Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2106 It’s the blessing brought by the Lu family

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

“It seems like the whole banker’s family is here!”

"Really, when did the relationship between the banker and the Lu family become so good? Lu Tingxiao celebrated his birthday, and the whole family of the banker came?"

Everyone was a little suspicious as they thought about it, "It's a bit strange. One of the two families is in military affairs, and the other is in business. They are just acquaintances on weekdays, right? Especially Mr. Zhuang, he has never been close to anyone, especially businessmen. , let alone come to attend a junior’s birthday party in person?”

"But you can't tell. Nowadays, the Lu family is something everyone above is afraid of, and the banker is probably no exception!"

"That's true..."

On the other side, Zhuang Keer saw Ning Xi, the most dazzling one in the crowd, and immediately ran towards Ning Xi, greeting her very affectionately, "Xiao Xi!"

"Ke'er, you're here too!" Ning Xi smiled sincerely when she saw Zhuang Ke'er.

Zhuang Rongguang, who was handsome in military uniform, rushed to Ning Xi like a monkey, with an expression as if he was offering a treasure, "Brother Xi! Look, look, look! Let me ask you, am I handsome? Am I handsome?"

Ning Xi looked at the boy who was becoming more and more energetic, her eyes full of admiration, and she praised without hesitation, "He is indeed a lot more handsome!"

Zhuang Rongguang was immediately happy when he heard what he wanted to hear.

Meng Linlang gave her son a helpless look, then looked at Ning Xi's outfit, her eyes lit up, "Girl Xi, this outfit is so beautiful! You kid, you're usually too plain. At your age, you should wear more clothes. Such bright colors are the right ones. Don’t be afraid that when you get to my age, you won’t be able to wear them even if you want to!”

Seeing this scene not far away, the expressions of those wealthy ladies suddenly became a little complicated.

"Why are all the people in the banker so close to Ning Xi?"

"Then you still need to ask? She must be in the Lu family's favor! After all, she is now the eldest mistress of the Lu family and the matron of the family!"

"I'll go! What kind of luck is this! She really flew up a branch and turned into a phoenix! It's so unfair. Among us here, none of us have a family background more than ten blocks away from her. What on earth do the Lu family think? This If you let a person of such high status through the door, you should not think about yourself, but also think about the genes and blood of your descendants, right?"

"This Ning Xi is not worthy of Brother Lu at all!"

Seeing that Ning Xi was so familiar with the banker, a group of wealthy ladies suddenly felt even more unbalanced. They gathered together in small groups and muttered softly.

Li Muyan, the only one who knew the inside story, had bitterness on his lips.

How could Zhuang Zongren not hear these voices? His expression changed almost instantly. The old man had a bad temper to begin with, not to mention that the matter involved his most distressed granddaughter, so he said angrily and coldly on the spot, "Who said that my little one has a bad temper?" Xi is not worthy of this brat from the Lu family!!!"

The old and rich voice suddenly reached everyone's ears.

The moment Zhuang Zongren's slightly angry voice rang out, the entire venue was suddenly enveloped by a wave of coercion. The mumbling daughters of famous families were afraid to speak out, and at the same time they all looked at each other in surprise.

What did General Zhuang say just now?

My Xiaoxi...?

At this time, Yan Ruyi walked forward with a smile on her face to smooth things over, "Old man, look what you said, Xiao Xi is your granddaughter. Even Master Xuanjing said that Xiao Xi has a prosperous husband and a prosperous family with unparalleled good fortune. , being able to marry a daughter-in-law like Xiao Xi is a blessing that our Lu family has cultivated in previous lives!"

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