Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2107 Originally a Phoenix

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Hearing Yan Ruyi's words, all the famous ladies and rich girls who claimed to have a good family background were all shocked.

"Zhuang... Mr. Zhuang's granddaughter!?"

"Ning Xi is actually the granddaughter of General Zhuang?"

"I'll go! How is this possible!"


How could Ning Xi fly up a branch and become a phoenix?

He is a phoenix in the first place, okay?

This is the number one family in the imperial capital, a top military and political family with upright roots. Which rich lady here can compare with her?

That Alyssa claims to have the royal blood of Country F on her mother's side, but who doesn't know that the so-called royal family has a deceiving name, but actually has no real power at all. The real power is the military!

Alyssa listened to the discussions around her and heard her name being compared with Ning Xi's. Her originally arrogant expression turned into disbelief.

This woman...and the is that possible!

No one expected that this girl, who had been in constant turmoil since her debut and climbed to her current status step by step, would have such a terrifying identity and background, and marry into a family like the Lu family.

"This Ning Xi is really unfathomable! She must be too well hidden!"

"Isn't that right? Who knew she had such a relationship with the banker!"

Speaking of this, those wealthy ladies just now changed their minds a bit.

If Ning Xi wanted to use these connections to climb up, it would be easy, but she has kept a low profile so far.

Just like what Ning Xi once said when she was interviewing for noble perfume.

True elegance and nobility is not about reading the name of a luxury brand between the lines, not about turning expensive accessories on your wrist, or about showing off your beauty, knowledge and accomplishments. True elegance is not about being able to hide your noble aura even if you are wearing ragged clothes and unkempt hair.

The true nobility is that even if she hides her name and never reveals it, the blood in her bones cannot be erased.

Some of the people who came today were ladies and ladies from the circle. They seemed to have known about Ning Xi's relationship with the banker for a long time. They were also chatting with Meng Linlang and Ning Xi at the moment, and their attitude towards Ning Xi was also very cordial. He is kind and seems to be very familiar with him.

Yan Ruyi and Lu Chongshan also clearly loved Ning Xi as their daughter-in-law.

Now that things have happened, those unwilling young ladies have lost their temper, "Come on, don't be so upset. This is a talented man and a beautiful woman, a perfect match, a match made in heaven!"

Yan Ruyi's words just now made Mr. Zhuang's anger go away a lot, but there was still some residual anger on his face.

You must know that if this old man who has spent half his life in the military becomes angry, no one can coax him.

Just when Yan Ruyi and Lu Chongshan looked embarrassed, and even Ning Xi, Lu Tingxiao, and Zhuang Keer were helpless, a soft and waxy voice came from the side, "Grandpa!"

When the old man saw the cute little baby in front of him, all his anger disappeared in an instant, and his face turned into a spring breeze. His cold and hard face was full of kindness, "Little baby! Come on, come to Grandpa!"

Baby Bei, a fully automatic mobile fire extinguisher, walked over obediently, and the old and the young chatted happily, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

Seeing that the old man was finally not angry anymore, Ning Xi and Lu Tingxiao smiled at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhuang Rongguang was so jealous that he was grinding his teeth next to him. How could this little bastard be so favored?

[The next update will be a little later, everyone goes to bed first]

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