Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2111 That child is not dead

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

At this moment, an old man suddenly walked out of the crowd. The old man looked at Ning Xueluo with extremely displeased eyes and said in a stern tone——

"Miss, I see you are so young, how can you spread rumors to cause trouble and slander other people's innocence out of nothing! I personally conducted the paternity test between Mrs. Lu and Xiaobao, and Xiaobao is 100% Mrs. Lu's. My own flesh and blood, if anyone has any questions, feel free to come to my old man!"

The speaker was the old director of the Imperial Military Hospital, a person who treated the head of state. His words were undoubtedly a symbol of authority.

As soon as Dean Zhao stood up, the slightest doubt in everyone's mind was immediately dispelled and turned into a sudden realization.

Zhuang Liaoyuan watched Dean Zhao come forward, and then glanced at the old man next to him who looked calm from beginning to end. Only then did he finally know how Lu Tingxiao persuaded the old man in the hospital, and why the old man accepted it so easily. Xiaobao.

It turned out to be like this...

The similarities between Xiaobao's eyebrows and Ning Xi's, the closeness between mother and son, and Xiaobao's shooting talent, which is exactly the same as that of his family, are all explained.

The surrounding chatter suddenly became louder. No one expected that the truth turned out to be like this. At the same time, all the eyes looking at Ning Xueluo changed.

"It's true! Is Xiaobao's biological mother really Ning Xi?"

"I'll go! No wonder, I said, how can this mother and son get along so well? It's almost like mother and son. After a long time, they turned out to be biological children?"

"This Ning Xueluo is so funny. She doesn't know anything and comes here to stir up trouble. She also calls Lu Tingxiao a wild man! She calls the young prince a bastard!

Ning Xi was also miserable. Even if she was hugged by the wrong person, she still had to hook up with such a shameless master who wanted to occupy the magpie's nest. Her parents were also unreliable! No wonder the dealer only recognizes Ning Xi and ignores the Ning family and Ning Xueluo at all! "

"Still paying attention to her? This kind of person should be hit by a car when he goes out! This is the first time I have seen such a vicious woman! She killed her adoptive mother's fetus and she is not willing to accept it. Seeing that Ning Xi is living a good life now, I am afraid she will not be willing to accept it. You want to continue harming Ning Xi by making such vicious rumors on an occasion like today! It's as disgusting as a tarsal maggot!"

The surroundings were full of disgusting and disgusting looks, as if they were looking at a disgusting pile of garbage crawling with maggots.

Ning Xueluo's face was blank, her legs gave out, and she fell to the ground with a thud like mud.

Back then, she had tried so hard to get the Ning family and compete for Su Yan, but in the end...

As a result, Lu Tingxiao and Ning Xi were accidentally brought together...

The person who had a relationship with Ning Xi back then was actually Lu Tingxiao!

What made her even more unbelievable was that wasn't Ning Xi's child already killed by a car?

Why is this happening?

That child didn't die?

How could he not be dead!

how so……

She couldn't figure out why things turned out this way.

Originally, she was prepared to drag Ning Xi to die with her, so she risked offending the Lu family and risked everything to make this scene. Anyway, she had nothing left, and she could never watch Ning Xi sit peacefully on the Lu family. In the wife's place!

But now...

It’s over…

Everything is completely over...

At the entrance of the venue, several uniformed police officers walked in solemnly and walked straight in the direction of Ning Xueluo——

"Miss, you are suspected of smuggling drugs and participating in many illegal activities abroad. Please come with us!"

[Update is over~Countdown to the finale! ! ! ! ! ! Finally, please give me a monthly pass~~~~~~~~~]

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