Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2112 Everyone is happy

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Lu Tingxiao knew that Ning Xi's affection was the most important thing. It was because of the face of her adoptive father and mother that he did not kill Ning Xueluo.

But that woman still has no repentance until now. Since Ning Xi can't do it, then it's up to him to do it!

Late at night, the guests dispersed, and this twists and turns of the birthday party finally came to an end.

As soon as the banquet ended, Yan Ruyi and Lu Chongshan immediately grabbed Lu Jingli.

"Jingli, what is going on! Is Ning Xi really Xiaobao's mother?" Yan Ruyi asked eagerly.

Lu Jingli nodded seriously, "That night seven years ago, the girl who was with my brother was actually my sister-in-law. At that time, my sister-in-law was drugged by Ning Xueluo. Originally, Ning Xueluo arranged for someone to destroy my sister-in-law's innocence. , my sister-in-law accidentally walked into the wrong room and entered my brother's room..."

Yan Ruyi and Lu Chongshan looked at each other in shock. They never expected that there would be such a coincidence in this world.

"Ahem, as you all know, my brother was also drugged at that time. He and his sister-in-law were both delirious because of the drugs and had no memory of what happened that night. My brother and I only found out the truth nearly two years ago. Later, a paternity test was conducted and it was confirmed that our guess was correct. The person who was with my brother that night was indeed my sister-in-law.

However, because what happened back then caused too much harm to my sister-in-law, my brother did not dare to confess to her that that person was him, so he never told the truth until Ning Xueluo came out to cause trouble today..."

Then, Lu Jingli explained to his elders why Ning Xi became pregnant and why she did not abort the child.

Yan Ruyi and Lu Chongshan became angrier as they listened.

"That Ning Xueluo is simply crazy! Fortunately, it's your brother. What if..." Yan Ruyi simply couldn't imagine it.

"This incident has been a huge blow to my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law has been living in the shadows all these years. When she rejected my brother, it was not a hard-to-get game as you think. It was because of this incident that she was unwilling to accept anything. Man." Lu Jingli said with a solemn expression.

After hearing their son's words, Lu Chongshan and Yan Ruyi's faces were full of guilt. Yan Ruyi sighed, "Xiao Xi is a good girl. Even if something like that really happens, it is not her fault."

Yan Ruyi said, her face became happy again, "It's fine now, everyone is happy! Xiaoxi is Xiaobao's biological mother, this is really great! Xiaobao should be so happy!"

When Lu Chongshan heard this, he frowned and said in a deep voice, "But, Jingli also said just now that Xiao Xi has always hated the man back then, and now she knows that man is Tingxiao..."

Hearing this, the three of them fell silent for a moment.


Deer Town, Garden House.

It wasn't until she got home that Ning Xi finally had the chance to talk to Lu Tingxiao alone.

In the yard, the two stood quietly under a rose bush.

Ning Xi looked a little tired. Today was her first official appearance as Mrs. Lu. She didn't expect that so many things would happen, but luckily they were all resolved without any danger.

Ning Xi sat down on a chair nearby, "Lu Tingxiao, how did you convince Dean Zhao to help?"

After she woke up from a vegetative state, Dean Zhao was taking care of her body except for Anne, so she was familiar with him and knew that he valued her reputation and professional ethics most and would never cheat for others.

It probably took a lot of effort for Lu Tingxiao to convince him.

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