Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2115 Calling daddy for the first time

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Lu Tingxiao knelt down and rubbed his son's little head with his broad palm, "It's true, you are the child of me and your mother."

After receiving his father's affirmative answer, the little guy's flickering eyes suddenly became as bright as pearls brushed away from the dust, and his eyes were extremely firm: "Xiaobao knew, from the first moment he saw his mother, he knew that she was Xiaobao's mother. !”

Ning Xi looked at the cute little bun in front of her, her eyes slightly moist, and she excitedly kneaded the little bun into her arms, "Hey, baby, pinch me quickly, am I dreaming?" I can actually give birth to such a cute, smart, talented baby that everyone loves! I am so amazing!"

Little Baozi did not pinch Ning Xi, but kissed Ning Xi on the cheek with bright eyes, "Xiaobao also felt that he was dreaming. The mother who sparkled like a princess and was as beautiful as a rose was actually Xiaobao's mother! Xiaobao is so happy! Xiaobao is so awesome!"

Looking at the mother and son, Lu Tingxiao raised the corners of his mouth and chuckled, his brows filled with tenderness.

As for Lu Jingli in the dark...

He almost vomited to death: wipe! Enough is enough for you mother and son! Are you so proud of yourself?

Fortunately, he was so worried and came to prepare for the rescue, but he ended up coming to be tortured...

Come on, the two at home are still waiting impatiently, so he hurried to report the good news!

Late at night, in the bedroom.

Ning Xi sang softly to coax the little bun to sleep, and the little guy clung to the corner of her clothes sleepily and wouldn't let go.

Ning Xi leaned over and kissed the little bun's forehead, "Baby, go to sleep. Mom is always here. Good night."

The little guy murmured in a daze, "Well, good night, mom..."

Little Baozi rubbed his eyes, looked at Lu Tingxiao beside him, and murmured vaguely, "Good night...Dad..."

"..." After Lu Tingxiao heard Xiaobao's "Dad", his expression suddenly froze, and he seemed to have no reaction at all.

Seeing Lu Tingxiao's rare astonishment, Ning Xi raised her eyebrows slightly and chuckled, "My dear, don't tell me, this is the first time Xiaobao calls you daddy?"

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

It was indeed the first time I was called daddy.

Ning Xi couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, "Is this really the first time?"

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

Yes, he was so miserable.

"Pfft..." This seems a bit miserable.

Ning Xi suppressed her laughter and kissed Lu Tingxiao's lips reassuringly, "Don't be sad, Xiaobao will definitely start calling you in the future!"

Lu Tingxiao leaned forward and kissed back, "Yes, thanks to my wife."

Ning Xi raised her little head and looked at the man beside her, blinked her eyes, and suddenly said, "Lu Tingxiao, let's make it public sometime."

When Lu Tingxiao heard this, his expression suddenly became startled.

"Well, that's what I meant, complete disclosure."

Lu Tingxiao's throat tightened, "Is there any problem there?"

Ning Xi analyzed, "My fan base is now very stable and I can start to transform. Announcement of my marriage at this time will not have much impact on me, but it will be beneficial to my transformation."

Lu Tingxiao's voice was slightly hoarse, "Okay."

Ning Xi smiled at her sweetheart's handsome face and said, "Then I'll start preparations now. If nothing else happens, I'll finish the contract signing process for the drama with Shen Mian when I'm done. , you can start preparing!”

"Thank you, Madam, for clearing your name."

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