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After the birthday party, Ning Xi specially invited Tang Lang, Tang Ye and Feng Xiaoxiao to come out and gave them a feast.

In fact, it was a lie to make up for the big meal. The real purpose was to have fun with the three singles. She gave birth to such a cute son like Xiaobao.

In addition, I just want the three of them to do a favor and see if they can find out through their channels the person who sent Xiaobao to the Lu family.

Even Lu Tingxiao couldn't be found out. It's estimated that no one in the world can do anything about it, but it's good to have a little more hope.

Next, Ning Xi and Lu Tingxiao started working on their own, while waiting for news from Lu Jingli.

The recovery of the surveillance video seemed to have run into some trouble, and a breakthrough had not yet been found. In addition, Xiaobao fell ill and had a fever during this period, which affected Ning Xi's mood to some extent.

As long as the incident back then was not investigated clearly, she would never be able to let go.

After all, it is not even clear whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, whether he has good intentions or bad intentions.

Why did that person know that Xiaobao was Lu Tingxiao's son when even she and Lu Tingxiao didn't know it?

Why did that person send Xiaobao to the Lu family?

If the person who sent Xiaobao back to the Lu family was an insider, out of pure kindness and good intentions, there would be no reason to hide his identity so deliberately.

There are too many mysteries that cannot be explained in this matter...

While Ning Xi was thinking about these things, she gently patted Xiaobao, who had a flushed face on the bed. She looked at the thermometer and felt even more upset, "38.5, still a bit feverish."

Lu Tingxiao held Ning Xi's shoulders and comforted her, "Don't worry, the doctor has said that children are prone to colds and fevers this season. They are all minor illnesses."

Ning Xi nodded, "I know."

But that matter was always pressing in her heart, and it would inevitably affect her.

Seeing Ning Xi's preoccupied look, Lu Tingxiao sighed, regretting telling her so early, "There has been news from Jingli that the monitoring will be repaired in at most three days."

Ning Xi took a deep breath: "Yeah."

In three days, everything will be revealed...

However, before the results on Lu Jingli's side came out, something happened on Xiaobao's side.

I originally thought it was just a common cold and fever, but I didn't expect that the fever kept coming back and forth.

Xiaobao's behavior before was due to psychological shadow. Since Ning Xi appeared, Xiaobao has not been in such a situation for a long time.

But now, it seems that a similar situation has occurred again, with a persistent fever that cannot be cured.

But this time, even if Ning Xi stayed by Xiaobao's side, it was of no use.

Everyone in the room looked solemn.

Lu Jingli scratched his hair anxiously, "It doesn't make sense. Xiaobao has just found out that Xiaoxin is his biological mother and is so happy. He has been so happy these past few days. It is impossible for him to have such a persistent high fever due to psychological factors! "

Dean Zhao on the side said solemnly, "I have conducted a detailed physical examination on Xiaobao. All the indicators of Xiaobao's body are normal and there are no problems."

"How is it possible that the fever persists? There must be something wrong!" Ning Xi hugged Xiaobao in panic. The little guy was breathing rapidly and his face was red. In the past few days, he had seen his energy getting worse and worse, and he was lethargic. There is also more and more time.

Dean Zhao thought for a while and said, "Don't be too anxious. Children are not in this situation. If the fever still doesn't go away tomorrow, take the child to the hospital for another check-up."

Lu Tingxiao nodded solemnly: "Okay."

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