Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2123 Why are you so rude to me?

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Hearing this, Ning Xi's mind was suddenly shaken, and she quickly thought of the grudge between Yun Shen's mother Yun Lan and Lu Chongshan.

Could it be that... Yun Shen's mother and Lu Chongshan actually had such a relationship back then...

Yun Shen's mother had the same fate as Anne. She was also sent by the old head of the Yun family, Yun Jie, to assassinate members of the Lu family, but the target was Lu Chongshan!

"Xiao Yu'er, you are much smarter than that silly woman..."

Yun Shen glanced in Lu Tingxiao's direction with a half-smile, "That silly woman sacrificed her body and soul, and her life, but you took everyone's life!

Before, I had never figured out who destroyed the Yun family, and they actually beat me to it...

Oh it's you……

Did you also inflict the poison on those people in the Yun family? "

After hearing this, Ning Xi finally understood.

No wonder Yun Shen said he knew this kind of poison...

And the silly woman Yun Shen talks about is probably his mother Yun Lan, right?

Yun Lan's mother was probably sincere to Lu Chongshan, otherwise she wouldn't have given birth to Yun Shen...

But as the head of the Lu family, Lu Chongshan has a temperament that is willing to sacrifice anything for the interests of the family. If Yun Lan's identity is discovered...

The tragedy that followed is almost imaginable.

Annie didn't deny a word, but looked at Yun Shen with an extremely cold look, "You have betrayed your faith!!!"

When Yun Shen heard this, he laughed out loud instantly, " What is my faith? Like you, kill everyone who was related to this matter back then?"

Indeed, he had been like Anne at one time.

Even though he knew that his mother died in the hands of his grandfather, and was killed by his family as a shame.

However, when he finally gathered the strength to take revenge, he found that the Yun family had been wiped out overnight.

From then on, killing Lu Chongshan and destroying the Lu family became the only meaningful thing for him to live...


Yun Shen's eyes fell on the girl next to Lu Tingxiao with some hesitation...

But it only took a moment. The man quickly looked away and looked at Annie again. "You were lurking next to me to help me before because we have a common enemy. But now, I have cooperated with my enemy Lu Tingxiao. So, Did you turn to Qiao Yi?"

Tang Lang suddenly looked surprised, "Did Annie save Qiao Yi?"

At this time, Tang Ye, Feng Xiaoxiao and others next to him were also stunned.

I never expected that what happened to Xiaobao back then would actually involve so many grievances, even between two generations.

Yun Shen's mother and Lu Chongshan and Qiao Yi, Annie and Lu Tingxiao and Yun Qingze...

At this time, an alarm suddenly sounded in the ward.

The little nurse rushed out in panic, "Oh no, the patient suddenly went into shock! I'm going to call the doctor!"

"Xiaobao!" Ning Xi's expression suddenly changed and she immediately rushed into the ward with Lu Tingxiao.

"No matter what! Grab the antidote first!" Tang Lang stared in Annie's direction with a murderous look on his face, "I don't care what your reasons are, what grudges you have, just fight openly and openly, using such dirty words How can a child be considered a hero even if he doesn’t know how to do it?”

After Tang Lang finished speaking, he realized that Anne didn't seem to be a man, but he couldn't care less, so he continued, "Hand over the antidote immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

When Annie heard this, she smiled lowly and said, "I don't know how you... are going to be rude to me?"

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