Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2124 Three Little Miscellaneous Fish

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Feng Xiaoxiao on the side also advised in a deep voice, "Annie, don't be stubborn and hand over the antidote, otherwise, you won't be able to leave today!"

Annie glanced at Tang Lang, Tang Ye, and Feng Xiaoxiao indifferently, and suddenly sneered: "Just you three little bastards? Why don't we come together."

"Come together? You're still a bastard! Damn! Little girl! You really dare to say that!" Tang Lang almost laughed out of anger.

You really look down on him!

Even though this Annie might be a master, he could still feel the familiar aura of the same kind in her body, but it would be too arrogant to say such things.

Seeing that Xiaobao was being rescued inside and the situation was getting more and more critical, Tang Lang didn't care anymore and immediately attacked Annie——

The next second, there was a loud "bang" sound.

Tang Lang... was slapped on the wall behind him.

Tang Lang clutched his painful chest, "I...fuck..."

One move in seconds?

Feng Xiaoxiao and Tang Ye changed their expressions at the same time when they saw this. It took them a few seconds to react, and then they attacked.

As a result, the battle ended in less than ten seconds.

Feng Xiaoxiao spit out a mouthful of blood, and even Tang Ye covered his chest and was hit by a palm and took three steps back.

Tang Lang's eyes almost popped out of his head, "Damn it! I'm so sorry! Is this even okay?"

This is simply unscientific!

The three of them all guessed that Annie was very skilled, but they never expected that she was so strong...

In just ten seconds, three top masters, Tang Ye, Tang Lang and Feng Xiaoxiao, were eliminated at the same time. What is the concept of this?

When Ning Xi came out, what she saw was that Tang Ye, Tang Lang, and Feng Xiaoxiao were all defeated by Annie, and her expression changed completely.

No one here can do anything to Annie!

What about Xiaobao’s antidote!

Because of her anxiety, Ning Xi felt a burning pain in her chest and quickly said, "Annie, you said this matter has nothing to do with me, okay, I don't care about your grudges with the Lu family, but Xiaobao is my son. It is absolutely impossible to watch him die, now it is a matter between the two of us, what will it take before you are willing to hand over the antidote?"

Annie: "If you want an antidote, yes."

Just as Ning Xi's eyes lit up, she heard Annie continue to say, "Beat me."

Tang Lang covered his chest with burning pain and cursed in a low voice, "Damn it, what's the difference between you saying this and not saying it?"

Ning Xi clenched her hands into fists, "Okay! I'll beat you, right? I'll fight you!"

Tang Lang exclaimed, "Little junior sister, you are crazy!"

Lu Tingxiao's expression changed slightly, "Xiao Xi."

Yun Shen also frowned.

There was no warmth in Annie's eyes, "You are no match for me."

Ning Xi slowly took off her coat and threw it on the ground, "How will you know if you don't try?"

Annie was silent, looked at her steadily for three seconds, and then finally said, "Okay, you take three palms from me. If you can still stand up after three palms, I will give you the antidote."

Ning Xi: "Okay!"

Tang Lang suddenly exclaimed, "Damn! Damn it, Tang Xi, you're looking for death! She almost killed me with one palm of her hand. Your little body could be broken by her palm!"

Lu Tingxiao's face instantly darkened, "Xiao Xi, don't be ridiculous."

"Lu Tingxiao, I'm sorry, I can't listen to you this time." Ning Xi looked at the man in front of her very seriously, "You know, this is the only way."

Xiaobao is in danger, Annie can leave at any time, and no one of them can stop her.

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