Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2125 Don’t make me hate you

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

After Ning Xi finished speaking, she took a deep look at Xiaobao in the ward through the glass window, and walked straight to Annie, "Let's get started!"

"You're looking for death!" Ning Xi just stood still when she was pulled back by Yun Shen behind her.

Ning Xi made a backhand attack and broke away from Yun Shen's shackles, "Don't get in the way!"

"Fuck!" Yun Shen was so angry that he looked at Lu Tingxiao beside him with burning eyes, "You still don't care?"

Lu Tingxiao's thin lips were pursed tightly, and his expression turned extremely ugly, "Xiao Xi..."

The man was about to speak when he was interrupted by Ning Xi's words, "Lu Tingxiao, don't make me hate you!"

Lu Tingxiao's face turned pale instantly and he couldn't say a word.

Then, Ning Xi glanced at everyone present, "No one is allowed to take action!"

She has no time left!

After finishing speaking, she immediately looked at Annie and said: "Annie, start!"


Annie walked up to the girl step by step, and punched Ning Xi as fast as lightning.

With a "poof-", Ning Xi's entire body flew several meters away like a kite with its string broken, and hit the cold wall hard, spitting out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

"Little junior sister!"

"Xiao Xi——"

Everyone exclaimed.

Ning Xi stretched out her hand to stop everyone from stepping forward, "It's okay."

Tang Lang was almost going crazy, fuck! How can this be okay! He had received a slap before and knew very well the power of Annie!

"Continue!" Ning Xi staggered up to Annie.

"Bang——" Another slap.

This time, Ning Xi was knocked to the ground by a palm, her whole body motionless, and the blood dripping from her mouth fell to the cold ground.

She used all her strength to finally force herself to half-kneeling, and then stood up unsteadily.

However, that figure seemed to collapse in the next second...

She will definitely not be able to withstand the third palm anymore!

She will really die!

"Idiot! Are you fucking crazy?!" Yun Shen couldn't bear it anymore and rushed towards Ning Xi.

Ning Xi said sharply, "Lu Tingxiao, stop him!"

Almost as soon as Ning Xi opened her mouth, Lu Tingxiao took action and stopped Yun Shen who was about to rush over.

Yun Shen looked at the man in front of him in disbelief, "Fuck! She's crazy! Are you crazy too?"

Lu Tingxiao stood motionless in front of Yun Shen like a weathered stone statue, motionless and seemingly indestructible, but in fact he seemed to be shattered into powder in the next second...

While Lu Tingxiao stopped Yun Shen, Ning Xi walked back to Annie very slowly, dragging steps as heavy as a mountain, "One last slap."

Annie didn't speak, just stared at Ning Xi motionlessly.

After an unknown amount of time, Annie finally said, "Okay."

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, and Tang Lang, Tang Ye, and Feng Xiaoxiao were ready to stop them at all costs.

Finally, Annie took action, as if with a thunderous palm, she quickly struck Ning Xi...

Tang Lang and others discovered that the speed of that palm was so fast that they had no time to stop it.

So, all I could do was watch Ning Xi receive this slap...

The entire corridor of the hospital was filled with dead silence.

However, the next second...

What they expected didn't happen.

With such a palm strike, Ning Xi didn't fall down!

Annie's palm was close to Ning Xi's chest. If you look carefully, you will find that it seems to have hit her, but in fact, it was separated by an extremely small distance and did not hit her.

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