Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2128: Waste?

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Even though Annie's identity shocked her later, after being together for so long, Ning Xi didn't believe that Annie really had no feelings for them at all.

This is also the reason why she took risks before.

When Annie suddenly helped Xiaobao relieve his toxicity, was it because he found out that she and Lu Tingxiao were together that she was temporarily shaken?

She had no way of knowing this, so the top priority was to get the antidote.

Ning Xi took a deep breath and looked at Han Xiao, "Master, I may have to ask you for something this time."

Tang Lang took the opportunity to come over, "Grandpa, grandpa! Let me tell you! That woman is amazing! Damn, I was knocked out by her with one palm and six ribs were broken! That woman put down her bold words before she left. Who are you talking about?" Whoever can defeat her, she will give the antidote! Grandpa, this time it all depends on you!"

Ning Xi also cast a sly look at Han Xiao, "Master, is that okay?"

When Han Xiao heard this, he felt a little bored and looked lazy: "If you use that whistle, I will naturally agree to any request you have. It's just that it's boring for me to deal with some trash every time."


Hell, six of his ribs were broken.

Annie is trash, so what is he...

What a waste!

Waste Scum No. 1 Tang Ye: "..."

Waste Scum No. 2 Tang Lang: "..."

Waste Scum No. 3 Feng Xiaoxiao: "..."

Tang Lang immediately retorted: "She's not a waste, she's really powerful. My senior brother, my third junior sister, and I have never beaten her! I think her martial arts level may even be on the same level as you, the great master!"

Han Xiao raised his eyes slightly, and there was a bloodthirsty luster in his eyes: "In this world, those who are at the same level as me, I'm afraid they haven't even been born yet, there are only three of you. What's the difference between the weak ones and ants? I can't stand it with just one finger." I can crush you to death."

After saying that, Han Xiao yawned and his eyes fell on the KFC luxury family bucket prepared by Ning Xi.

Tang Lang, Tang Ye, Feng Xiaoxiao "..."

What a damn dog, I really want to beat him!

Just can't beat it...

Just when several people were discussing when to make an appointment with Anne, there was a rush of footsteps at the door of the ward.

Lu Jingli and a deputy from Yunshen Company arrived panting at the same time.

Lu Jingli said anxiously, "Brother, it's not good! Look at the group's stocks!"

Yun Shen's deputy also hurriedly said, "BOSS, our side is also plummeting!"

For a moment, a stagnant atmosphere spread in the ward.

Lu Jingli followed up and said, "Byron Rothschild just contacted me and them at the same time and asked us to meet!"

The visitor is not good!

Tang Lang said directly, "Let's see you there! There are so many of us, and the great master is here too. I'm afraid of him. Let's see what those bastards want to do!"

After Lu Jingli finished speaking, he coughed slightly and said, "Also, the person who came to deliver the message before was Annie."

Ning Xi and others present were silent for a few seconds after hearing this.

Although they had all expected that Annie would join forces with Qiao Yi and Ou Huang, they still found it somewhat difficult to accept it when they heard it with their own ears.

[The ninth update is finished today~ The secret is finally revealed~ I am so excited to write it~ If I hurry up, I will probably finish writing the text tomorrow and the day after tomorrow~ The new book "100 Points for Sweet Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet" has been released. Please collect, recommend, and adopt. PS: Welcome to follow my interest tribe. How to follow: mobile QQ-dynamics-interest tribe, search for "囧囧有魔\

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