Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2129 Surfaced

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

The power of the European Emperor finally surfaced.

Rothschild is one of the oldest families in Europe, and its origins can even be traced back to the Middle Ages in Western Europe.

Since the 17th century, every head of the Roschel family has had the title of ‘European Emperor’.

This family almost controls most of the underground dynasties in Europe, and is the mastermind behind some war-torn countries.

The Rothschild family is very mysterious. Even today, in the era of media explosion, no news about the Rothschild family has been reported by any channel.

Not to mention ordinary people, even some forces with great backgrounds may have never heard of the Roschel family.

But Roschel exists after all, and it is like a huge mountain towering into the clouds, insurmountable.

Even Lu Tingxiao has never had any interaction with the 'Roschel' family.

"Hey, cute Annie..." Feng Xiaoxiao sighed, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Lu Jingli looked solemn, "This time Roschel obviously came with bad intentions!"

Lu Tingxiao's deep eyes showed no emotion, "Address."

"Tianquan Villa..." Lu Jingli replied.

When Lu Jingli received the news, he went to investigate.

The entire Tianquan Villa has been taken over by others, leaving no traces behind, and no one can find out which force it belongs to.

However, it was obvious that Tianquan Villa was taken over by Roscher.

"We only made an appointment with the two of us." Lu Jingli continued.

After all, as long as the Lu Group and Yilan Venture Capital collapse, Asia will be like an uninhabited land for Roscher. They can drive straight into it and they will not pay attention to some small fish.

"What are you afraid of? If not, kill them all and make sure they never come back!" Tang Lang snorted coldly.

Tang Lang's real idea was that since Han Xiao was here, he would be dragged there with him. Even if it was a Hongmen Banquet, there would be nothing to fear.

Before Lu Jingli could say anything, his cell phone rang like a reminder.

Lu Group's subsidiaries, large and small, as well as the heads of many listed companies that cooperated with Lu Group, were already busy calling his phone. Everyone was unsure about this economic impact and were eager to see Lu Tingxiao.

The situation over at Yunshen is similar.

While Lu Tingxiao, Yun Shen and the others were discussing the details, Ning Xi and Tang Lang looked at each other and then dragged Han Xiao to a corner.


Han Xiao was holding the KFC luxury family bucket, his mouth was full of oil, and he was a little dissatisfied with Ning Xi and Tang Lang for disturbing him while eating.

"Hehe..." Tang Lang rubbed his hands: "Grandpa, let's go to Tianquan Villa to eat tonight. What's so delicious about these things?"

"Well...are you afraid of the Roschel family?" Han Xiao glanced at the two of them, but he couldn't hide his little thoughts.

"Hehe, with grandpa here, don't you feel more confident..." Tang Lang had a flattering smile on his face.

Han Xiao smiled coldly, with a hint of crazy morbidity in his eyes: "Of course I will go... It's rare for the Rothchel family to step out of their home."

It is also time to settle the old and new grudges between Han Xiao and the Roschel family.

Back then, Qin Youge's death was closely related to the Rothschild family. It was an old grudge.

Over the years, the Roscher family was afraid of Han Xiao's revenge and sent out countless killers to attack him. This was considered a new revenge.

"Grandpa, do you have a grudge against the Rothchel family?" Tang Lang saw something unusual in Han Xiao's expression.

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