Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2134 Is this reason enough?

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Qiao Yi looked at Byron who was standing aside, lowered his head and said, "Third Young Master, I'm making you laugh. I may have some housework to resolve first."

Byron looked like he had everything under control, and said with a relaxed expression, "Mr. Qiao, you can do whatever you want."

Qiao Yi looked at Tang Lang, his eyes instantly turned cold, "I will clean up the house today!"

Tang Lang narrowed his eyes slightly and looked Qiao Yi up and down, making sure that Qiao Yi's body was not damaged by the torture Lu Tingxiao had done.

I'm afraid it's all thanks to that little girl Annie.

It just so happened that he didn't even bother to take advantage of it.

Tang Ye and Feng Xiaoxiao looked at each other with complicated expressions. They were a little worried before they came, but now the most worrying thing has happened.

Tang Lang and Qiao Yi were fighting in an instant, and both of them were using their killing moves.

Because each other knows the other's tricks so well, it is difficult to tell the winner at the moment, and no one can do anything to the other.

However, ten minutes later, the situation changed significantly.

It was as if the seal of confinement was suddenly released. Tang Lang's sudden attacks were fierce and severe, leaving Qiao Yi with no room to fight back.

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Huh? Aren't those the tricks of a great master!"

There was also a rare hint of appreciation in Han Xiao's eyes, "Yes, you have learned one ten thousandth of my essence."

Ning Xi, Tang Ye, Feng Xiaoxiao: "..."

With a "bang" sound, Tang Lang struck Qiao Yi's life gate with a thunderous palm -

Seeing that Qiao Yi was bound to die from this palm, suddenly a figure flashed between the two of them and caught Tang Lang's palm forcefully.

In an instant, Tang Lang and Tang Ye took several steps back at the same time due to the recoil.

Tang Lang's eyes turned scarlet at this moment. After seeing that he had managed to kill Qiao Yi but was destroyed by Tang Ye, his face showed an almost crazy and ferocious look, "Get away!"

Tang Ye threw the glasses on his face, "You know, it's impossible."

"I'll say it for the last time!"

"Why?" Tang Ye asked persistently.

"Why...why..." Suddenly, Tang Lang looked crazy, "Killed my whole family and slaughtered my whole family for him! Is this reason enough?!"

Not only that, but he shamelessly accepted him as his disciple and made him work for an enemy who killed his whole family.

After hearing Tang Lang's words, not only Tang Ye, but also Feng Xiaoxiao and Ning Xi were completely stunned.

The master killed the second senior brother and his whole family? How can this be?

Ning Xi glanced at Lu Tingxiao and saw a definite answer in Lu Tingxiao's eyes.

Is this what Tang Lang asked Lu Tingxiao to investigate?

Tang Lang couldn't stop laughing, "Haha...Tang Ye! Why do you think I can beat you every time? Do you really think I'm gifted? Because those martial arts methods are originally the secret skills of my Tang family! It's in my bones No one from the Tang family’s bloodline is more suitable for this set of techniques than me!”

Tang Ye stood there with a pale face, speechless, and looked in disbelief at the man he had always respected as his father, "Master..."

I hope he can explain that it was a misunderstanding.

However, when Qiao Yi was exposed in public about killing people and seizing treasures, he didn't feel any guilt at all, and didn't even refute. He snorted coldly and said, "That skill will only be a waste in the hands of that good-for-nothing Tang Zhan. I left his bloodline and passed on his skills, so he should thank me!"

Tang Lang's eyes were scarlet, "Then you can go to Jiuquan to receive the thanks!"

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