Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2135 Grandpa, mine!

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

"The evil obstacle, if I hadn't taken it away back then——"

Before Qiao Yi finished speaking, Han Xiao, with an impatient look on his face, suddenly passed Tang Lang and walked in front of Qiao Yi.

"Hello." Han Xiao said with a sly smile.

Qiao Yi was slightly startled when he saw the strange man in front of him. He knew Han Xiao, but he had never seen him with his own eyes, so he did not recognize him at the moment.

Before Qiao Yi could say anything, the shadow of his palm suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

Before the palm arrived, the wind from the palm arrived first, as if it was a violent storm, which made Qiao Yi pale in horror.

Qiao Yi didn't see clearly when the man in front of him made his move, nor did he know what happened.

In an instant, the sound of skull cracking sounded!

There was blood overflowing from Qiao Yi's eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

"Well... I said hello to you, but you ignored me... I'm the most annoying rude person, please apologize to me." Han Xiao said.

"I'm sorry, I was too harsh..." Han Xiao stared at Qiao Yi's body with an innocent look on his face.

At that moment, Qiao Yi's body fell to the ground like mud.

Even until his death, Qiao Yi didn't know why.

Just because... he was rude... and didn't respond to this monster-like man in time?

At this moment, Tang Lang, who was still looking crazy just now, was completely stunned on the spot.

", grandpa, mine!!!"

Tang Lang gestured excitedly, Qiao Yi should die in his hands. This would be scientific...

He had been brewing for so long... He was just about to fight Qiao Yi, but Han Xiao killed Qiao Yi with one palm, making him feel like he was killed by a dog.

However, when Qiao Yi died in Han Xiao's hands, what he felt subconsciously was relief and relief.

If Han Xiao hadn't taken action, he and Tang Ye would have inevitably had a fight this time.

Tang Ye and Feng Xiaoxiao on the side were also stunned, neither of them expected that Han Xiao would suddenly take action.

Qiao Yi actually... died like that...

Tang Ye's eyes trembled slightly, and he clenched his fists tightly. In the end, he still couldn't say a word...

This may be the best ending...

"Yelling is not polite." Han Xiao looked at Tang Lang.

"Uh..." When Tang Lang thought of Qiao Yi's fate just now, he suddenly choked up and did not dare to complain anymore.

"Han Xiao, you are too arrogant!" Seeing that Han Xiao was so arrogant that he killed his people directly in front of him, Byron's expression was so cold that he could drip water.

Humph, it’s just Qiao Yi. If he dies, he will die.

After Byron finished speaking, the corners of his mouth turned up in an evil manner, "Han Xiao, you should know this person!"

I saw an old man in black robes, leaning on a dragon-head crutch, walking out of the crowd slowly.

"Han Wuying?" Han Xiao stared at the black-robed old man, frowning slightly.

Han Wuying, the leader of the Han clan.

"Han Xiao, because of a woman, you deceived your master, destroyed your ancestors, and betrayed your clan. Today, I will clean up the family." Han Wuying's hoarse voice was filled with chills.

"Because of a woman, she deceived her master and destroyed her ancestors..."

Tang Lang and Ning Xi were slightly surprised.

They thought that the great god didn’t like women…

"Well, let me tell you how come this boy from the Roschel family is so calm when he sees me. It turns out you are the one supporting him." Han Xiao smiled lowly, "Han Wuying, I advise you not to overestimate your capabilities. You You should know that in this world, only Qin Wentian is qualified to fight with me."

It's not arrogance, it's a fact. Even if the leader of the Han clan comes in person, he is no match for him.

Han Wuying's face darkened and he did not refute. It was a pity that Qin Wentian could not be found. Otherwise, if he teamed up with him, he would definitely be able to take down this evil obstacle.

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