Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2136 The next generation is terrible

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

"Obstacle! I just need to hold you back until Byron handles the matter and see how you deal with it!" Han Wuying shouted coldly, turned into a black shadow, and rushed towards Han Xiao.

The two of them fought together instantly.

"Kill them for me!"

When Byron saw Han Xiao being held back, he immediately gave the order.

The sniper hiding in the dark instantly aimed his muzzle at Yun Shen, Lu Tingxiao and others.

"Do you really think this is your territory?" Yun Shen had a cold smile on his face.

Lu Tingxiao remained expressionless as always, looking somewhere in the darkness.

In an instant, hundreds of people poured out of the villa to confront the forces of the Rothschild family.

Byron was not afraid at all, his face was full of confidence and arrogance: "It only takes a few seconds for the snipers I have placed in the dark to kill all of you."

Tang Lang and others' eyes quickly searched in the dark, trying to find the hiding spots of the snipers.

However, the Roscher family's professional sniper ambush could not be easily found.

Those snipers are like time bombs...

"Haha, it's useless for you to regret now." The smile on Byron's face faded: "Do it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sigh came from not far away.

"The child has grown up and his wings have hardened." I saw an old man with all white hair walking towards the crowd.

Seeing the old man, all the Rothschild family members were stunned, including Byron.

The most shocked person was Ning Xi. She looked at the old man and blurted out subconsciously, "Grandpa Giles?"

"Xiao Xi, long time no see." Giles' face was filled with a gentle and loving smile.

", why are you here..." Byron's expression changed again and again.

Father? !

Ning Xi froze on the spot.

Giles is actually... Byron's father...

Doesn't that mean...

Is Giles the European Emperor? !

Ning Xi was stunned by this conclusion.

This feeling is almost the same as knowing that the temple sweeper turns out to be a top expert.

"Byron, you disappoint me so much."

Giles shook his head. The unique majesty of the powerful person around him made Byron tremble involuntarily.

Yun Shen and Lu Tingxiao looked at each other and understood the meaning of Ou Huang's words.

It seems that it is not the European Emperor himself who wants to annex Asia.

"Father, listen to me, I do this..." Byron had layers of cold sweat on his forehead, trying to explain.

However, midway through his words, he was interrupted by Giles waving his hand.

"All the snipers hiding in the dark, come out." Giles said coldly.

As a result, the air was quiet and there was no sound at all. After a while, a few people walked out.

Surprisingly...there are only three people!

Giles frowned. It was impossible for these people to disobey his orders, but what about the others?

Giles thought for a moment and suddenly understood. He looked at Lu Tingxiao and Yun Shen across from him and sighed with emotion, "The younger generation is scary."

Everything my son had carefully arranged had been discovered long ago and most of it was destroyed.

Byron looked at the three remaining snipers and then at his father, who was completely confused at this moment.

Damn it! My father devoted himself to movies and had long since stopped interfering with family affairs. How could he find out about all this?

"Father, by annexing Asia, our Roschel family... will become stronger..." Byron said unwillingly.

"Is this the reason why you went behind my back and disobeyed me?" Giles shouted coldly: "Which one is stronger, the Rothschild family, or you, Byron, are stronger!"

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