Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2137 A Past Event

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

"What kind of things did you do behind my back in those years, do you really think I don't know?! My child, your ambition is too great!" Giles' eyes were extremely cold and stern.

"!" Byron was sweating profusely, trying his best to explain.


Giles' terrifying aura completely engulfed Byron: "No matter how powerful you are, your position as the head of the Roschel clan is not yours. Go back. You are not allowed to step out of your home for ten years." step!"

"Ten years!" Byron couldn't believe it.

"If anything goes wrong in taking people away, you will be responsible for the consequences!" Giles said coldly, looking at a group of tribesmen in the villa.


An old European man immediately waved his hand and said: "Take the Third Young Master back and keep him under strict supervision."

"Father, I am not willing to give in...I am not willing to give in! My ability is obviously the strongest, why!!!" Byron's hysterical voice became more and more distant until it disappeared.

"My Roschel family...the most indispensable thing is ability." Giles sighed softly, with a cold light in his eyes.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, it's my fault in raising my son that has caused you trouble." Giles stepped forward, apologetic on his face.

Han Wuying saw Byron losing power and immediately retreated.

If he continues to fight Han Xiao, he will definitely lose.

Now, Emperor Ou has appeared, and even Byron has been taken away and imprisoned. Han Wuying is no match for Han Xiao, and has no chance of winning at all.

"No fight?" Han Xiao stared at Han Wuying and asked.

"Hmph!" Han Wuying snorted heavily, and left the villa in a flash.

"It's so rude to run away if you can't fight." Han Xiao felt a little bored, and then his eyes fell on Ou Huang.

"Old immortal, you finally showed up!" Han Xiao's eyes, which were always nonchalant about everything, showed a sinister look.

"Mr. Han Xiao." Giles looked at Han Xiao: "I'm very sorry for what happened back then. Although I have admired the ancient Han clan for a long time, I also appreciate your talent, and want you to marry my little daughter, but I have never I didn’t force it. It was your family that killed Miss Qin Youge in order to force you to marry my daughter, and it had nothing to do with my Rothchel family. Besides, wasn’t the murderer of Miss Youge killed by you as well? ?”

Hearing this, Han Xiao was startled, "Old man, you really know how to speak!"

"That's the truth." Roschel was not angry, but calmly stated a fact.

Through Han Xiao and Roschel's mouth, Ning Xi, Tang Lang and others finally learned Han Xiao's identity.

The most evil prodigy of the Gu Wu Han clan was greatly admired by Emperor Ou. He originally wanted Han Xiao to marry his youngest daughter, but in the end he indirectly killed the girl named Qin Youge.

"It turns out that grandpa still has such past events..." Tang Lang looked surprised.


At this moment, Ning Xi suddenly realized that the clothing brand "GE" was designed by Han Xiao.

At first, Ning Xi didn't know the meaning of "GE".

Now, it is clear that "GE" is equivalent to "song", and it was Han Xiao's way of commemorating that girl...


At this moment, suddenly, a dark figure suddenly appeared in the villa, approaching like lightning, and the palm knife struck Han Xiao off guard.

"Grandpa, be careful!" Tang Lang couldn't help but exclaimed.

The speed of that figure was really too fast.

At this moment, Han Xiao's expression turned cold, "I hate sneak attacks the most."

After saying this, Han Xiao didn't even look back and grabbed the small palm that came towards him.


Han Xiao's body moved and the figure flew away into the distance.

"Annie——" Ning Xi exclaimed.

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