Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2148 The child is mine

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Listening to those words, Xu Tao almost collapsed, "Liang Feixing, see for yourself what those people said! It's not easy for Ning Xi to get to where she is today, is it all going to be ruined for a bastard!"

With Ning Xi's admission, the scene rioted again, and everyone began to push forward crazily.

At this moment, a harsh brake sound suddenly came from the direction behind everyone, and seven or eight black cars stopped in unison opposite the hotel.

More than twenty well-trained bodyguards in black stepped out of the car one after another. In the leading car, the door was opened by the bodyguard, and a tall, slender man with a face as cold as ice stepped out of the car.

Someone immediately recognized the person at the scene and exclaimed, "Oh my God! It's... it's Lu Tingxiao!"

"Holy shit! I'm going crazy! It seems like it's real! He's handsome!"

"Why is Lu Tingxiao here?"

At this moment, the expression on the man's handsome face was extremely terrifying, and he was striding toward the crowd in a stormy manner.

The bodyguards all had stern faces, and the aura of the man leading them was even more frightening to the extreme, as if just looking at each other could freeze a person's blood.

The chaotic crowd all subconsciously separated into a lane.

The further the man walked inside, the more terrifying his expression became. It was as if he could hear the sound of stepping on ice slag wherever he walked.

Finally, under everyone's gaze, the man walked directly in front of Ning Xi, with an extremely turbulent storm and terrifying anger on his face. He stared at the pale girl in front of him, with a sullen expression. Pick up the girl by the waist...

"Ah - this..." everyone on the scene exclaimed in astonishment.

Although Lu Tingxiao's expression was extremely frightening, he was not very careful when he picked up the girl. He even looked a little at a loss as he didn't know where to touch her. It seemed that the girl would be injured if he touched her even slightly, so that in the eyes of everyone, Lu Tingxiao His movements are even a little clumsy...

"Ah! What...what's going on?"

"Holy crap! Lu Tingxiao and Ning Xi? What's going on!"

Apart from the media and fans, the most shocked person was probably Xu Tao. At this moment, Xu Tao stared blankly at the big boss who had hugged Ning Xi, his expression looking like a fool.

Could it be...could it be that the bastard who made Ning Xi's belly bigger was...

Liang Feixing breathed a long sigh of relief. The BOSS finally arrived in time. He almost had a heart attack!

Amid the shocked gazes, the man's gaze coldly swept across everyone present, "The child in Xiao Xi's belly is mine."

Everyone’s expression: “…”

Uh...what did they just hear?

These words were like an atomic bomb, exploding in the dark crowd.

Under the brief and eerie silence of the crowd, a huge exclamation suddenly broke out.

"Fuck!!! Crazy!"

"Ning...Ning Xi's child is Lu Tingxiao's!!!"

"I am indeed a married man." The man spoke again.


Before everyone could start to express surprise and look at Ning Xi with ridicule, they heard the man continue to say, "Ning Xi and I have received the certificate for two years, six months and seventeen days."

Everyone: "..."

They must be hallucinating...

The most significant and eye-catching event in the entertainment industry this year!

Actress Ning Xi is pregnant, and the father of the child is actually Lu Tingxiao, the CEO of Lu Corporation. The two had obtained a secret marriage certificate two and a half years ago and have been married ever since!

[Update 7 is over~ The wedding is coming soon~ I will ask you all to take a day off tomorrow, I have to take it easy, and then write you a sweet and perfect wedding~ Over there is the new book "100 Points of Sweet Love", babies, please wait a moment , I am typing~ You can get up tomorrow morning and watch~]

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