Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2149: Calm down, darling

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

However, this was not over yet. Lu Tingxiao followed up and said, "As for getting pregnant out of wedlock, it does happen."

After hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded. Even Xu Tao was anxious and subconsciously rushed to stop him. However, Liang Feixing grabbed him and quickly said something in his ear.

Then Xu Tao became an idiot, "What!?"

At this moment, other fans and media who don’t know the truth are still confused——

"Holy crap! Is it true that Ning Xi was pregnant before marriage?"

"How could Lu Tingxiao expose such a thing!"

"Knowing that Ning Xi was pregnant out of wedlock, you still stayed with her?"

Lu Tingxiao glanced at them, and everyone immediately fell silent as if a switch had been pressed, and the scene became audible again.

Lu Tingxiao: "But I am solely at fault for this matter. Xiao Xi had not yet entered the entertainment industry at that time, so there should be nothing to explain to you."

Damn it! Lu Tingxiao was solely at fault for this matter. What does this mean?

Could it be what they thought...

Could it be that the legendary young prince of the Lu family is...

Lu Tingxiao: "Ning Xi is my son's biological mother."

The child in Xiao Xi’s belly is mine.

Ning Xi and I have obtained the certificate for two years, six months and seventeen days.

Ning Xi is my son's biological mother.

Lu Tingxiao appeared on the scene for less than a few minutes. In just a few words, he bombarded the entire entertainment industry and the entire Chinese citizens. Then he left the stunned people and left with his wife in his arms. …

In the car.

Ning Xi was still held in the back seat by Lu Tingxiao.

The latter hasn't said a word since getting in the car, and his face is extremely ugly.

Ning Xi pointed at her fingers and honestly admitted her mistake, "Well, my dear, I'm sorry...Actually, I wanted to give you a surprise..."

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

yes! It’s quite a surprise! He was almost scared out of his mind by her!

"I..." Ning Xi was about to speak when she felt nauseated again.

"Drive slower!" Lu Tingxiao frowned.

Cheng Feng, who was driving in front: "..."

I have driven the Maybach as a battery car BOSS...

Forget it, let him challenge the speed of the bicycle again...

Lu Tingxiao patted the girl's back gently, looking like he was facing an enemy, "Go to the hospital!"

Ning Xi waved her hands hurriedly and said, "Hey, no, it's just a normal reaction to morning sickness. If this requires me to go to the hospital, then don't I have to live in the hospital!"

Lu Tingxiao: "Okay."

Ning Xi: "...Calm down, okay? My sweetheart..."

Lu Tingxiao took a deep breath... but still couldn't calm down.

Ning Xi looked at the man's extremely tense expression due to excessive nervousness, and said helplessly, "We already have a baby, and it's not our first child, why are we still so nervous!"

Just nervous?

After hearing the news about her pregnancy from others, he simply wished he could spread his wings and fly to her side.

The cell phone rang rapidly, and Lu Tingxiao answered the call, "It's okay, he's with me and he's on his way back, okay."

"What's your home phone number?" Ning Xi asked.

Lu Tingxiao nodded, "Go back to your old house first, your parents will know."

"Oh..." Ning Xi didn't know why, but she had a bad premonition...

Arrive at the Lu family’s old house.

Ning Xi got out of the car and was stunned as soon as she walked to the door. She could hardly recognize where this place was.

From outside the yard to the door, a thick soft blanket was spread, and the hard pillars and walls at the door were covered with a layer of soft cushions. On the gravel road not far away, Xiaobao was directing several robots to The stones were dug out one by one and then covered with soil again...

Ning Xi swallowed, turned to Lu Tingxiao beside her and said, "My sweetheart, I'm sorry, I just wronged you."

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