Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2150 This is a dog slaughter

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

The Lu family's reaction was even more exaggerated than Lu Tingxiao's, and even Xiaobao couldn't avoid it...

"Mom!" Seeing a familiar figure at the door from a distance, Xiaobao immediately rushed over.

In the past, the little guy would jump directly into Ning Xi's arms. Now he probably hurt the baby in his mother's belly. He very cautiously stopped three steps away and looked at Ning Xi's belly with bright eyes. "Mom, is there really a sister here?"

Ning Xi laughed, "I don't know if she's a sister or a brother."

"As long as it's from my mother, my little baby likes it!"

After a while, Yan Ruyi, Lu Chongshan, Jiang Muye's mother and other elders of the Lu family all came out.

"Xiao Xi is back, come in quickly, be careful..."

Not long after Ning Xi entered the house, a military jeep stopped at the door of Lu's house very quickly.

"If you ask me, the Lu family is too unreliable. They didn't prepare in advance for such a big thing as Xiao Xi's pregnancy. How dangerous is today's situation? What if Xiao Xi bumps into..." Meng Linlang just complained, then I saw the soft blanket at the door of Lu's house and the soft cushions on the surrounding hard objects. Even the tables, chairs and benches in the yard were covered with soft leather.

Zhuang Liaoyuan on the side coughed lightly, "Xiao Xi's test results just came out today. It must have been leaked before I even had time to tell my family."

"Stop being so nagging, go in quickly and see how Xiao Xi is doing!" Zhuang Zongren urged.

So, in the living room, the two families gathered together.

"Do you feel terrible?" Meng Linlang looked at Ning Xi's pale face and felt extremely distressed.

"It's okay, it's getting better now, just one after another!" Ning Xi looked at the people in the room and really had a headache. She was just pregnant, could it be too exaggerated?

Ning Xi looked at Lu Tingxiao for help, but she was helpless. It was obvious that they were on a united front with her beloved.

"Xiao Xi is pregnant with her second child now. When are your Lu family planning to hold this wedding?" Zhuang Zongren looked dissatisfied.

Yan Ruyi said hurriedly, "Don't worry, old man. We have been preparing for the wedding a year ago. Every detail has been arranged and it can be held at any time. Xiao Xi doesn't have to worry about anything, as long as she has no problem with her work. Yes, she can just set a time."

Hearing what Yan Ruyi said, Zhuang Zongren's expression softened, "Xiao Xi, what do you mean? Your wedding can't be postponed any longer! If those people dare to talk nonsense again, I will personally come forward!"

Ning Xi said hurriedly, "Grandpa, don't worry. The company will take care of it. In fact, I was preparing to make it public early in the morning, but I didn't expect that there was a little accident today, but it didn't have much impact. I'll take a look, or else I'll make a decision. Months?"

Meng Linlang thought for a moment and nodded, "Next month is fine. Your wedding happened to be held before the year before. It won't be convenient for you to have a big belly any later."

Yan Ruyi said happily, "I've checked the almanac, and the eighth day of the lunar month next month is a good day! How about you two taking a look?"

Lu Tingxiao: "Look at Xiao Xi."

Ning Xi hurriedly said, "Okay, I have no problem."

"Okay, then it's settled!"

At the same time, in the yard behind the old house.

On the stone steps, a certain little koi carp was squatting there quietly. An arm crossed over and rested on the shoulder of a certain golden retriever who was also squatting there quietly beside him. "Hey, this is no longer dog abuse." Come on, this is a dog slaughter! I have to run away from home, do you want to come with me?"

Jiang Muye: "No need, uncle."

Lu Jingli was surprised, "Are you sure?"

Jiang Muye: "My flight ticket has been booked."

Lu Jingli: "..."

PS: I informed you yesterday at the end of the chapter that I would take a day off today, but I still haven’t seen my relatives. Hey... I’m afraid everyone will be anxious about waiting, so I’ll post what I’ve written first~

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