Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2156 Making trouble in the wedding room 1

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

After the wedding, the guests left one after another.

But it wasn't over yet. Feng Xiaoxiao got so drunk that she took a large number of friends from the bride and groom's side and went to the wedding ceremony.

So, when the groom, Lu Tingxiao, arrived at the door, he only saw seven or eight girls, headed by Feng Xiaoxiao, standing there with smiles on their faces.

Feng Xiaoxiao crossed her arms across her chest and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, we are all junior sister's parents. If you want to enter this bridal chamber, you must pass our test first!"

Lu Xinyan next to her immediately agreed, "That's right! It's not that easy to snatch away our male idol just like that!"

"Agreed." It was Anne who spoke.

"I'll go! Annie, why are you making trouble with the third child too!" Tang Lang on the other side was speechless.

Lu Jingli was also speechless, "And Xinyan... shouldn't you be on our side?"

Lu Xinyan stuck out her tongue, "Who said that? I'm from my cousin-in-law's side!"

Now, Feng Xiaoxiao has a total of eight girls including Zhuang Ker, Ning Tianxin, Annie, and Lu Xinyan. All of them are Ning Xi's personal guards and crazy fans. Some of them directly regard Lu Tingxiao as her love rival. They were Lu Jingli, Jiang Muye, Tang Lang, Mo Lingtian, Qin Mufeng and others.

"What is the test?" There was a lazy smile in Lu Tingxiao's drunken eyes, probably because he was in a good mood, but he didn't care at all about their nonsense and let them completely.

Feng Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, and then said, "There are three levels in total! You must pass all three levels before you can embrace the beauty!"

"What's the first level?" Lu Jingli asked warily.

Feng Xiaoxiao hummed, with a sinister look on her face, "The first level is called Guess. We will give you three questions to guess, and you will pass if you guess them all correctly. I will do the first question first, please guess. What am I thinking about now?"

Tang Lang, who was next to him, immediately shouted, "Damn it! Third brother, you are too exaggerated! Do you know how important a day like today is to a man? I can't stand it anymore!"

Lu Jingli frowned, "How can we guess? You can say that we are wrong even if we guess?"

Jiang Muye, Qin Mufeng and others also nodded in agreement, "This question is too perverted!"

"As long as she doesn't want us to answer correctly, there's no way we're going to get by!"

After saying that, several men looked at Lu Tingxiao sympathetically.

Feng Xiaoxiao looked proud, "How about it? Shouldn't we give up at the first level? In this case, the junior sister will be ours tonight!"

Tang Lang immediately said, "You are thinking about men!"

As expected, Feng Xiaoxiao waved her finger: "Guessed wrong!"

Lu Jingli: "Are you thinking of getting married?"

Feng Xiaoxiao: "Wrong!"

"Damn! Qin Mufeng, come here! Aren't you a psychiatrist?"

"What's wrong with the psychiatrist? Even if I can read minds and say the right thing, but she doesn't admit it and insists on saying the wrong thing, there's nothing I can do about it!"

"Then what should we do! The first question is so abnormal..."

At this moment, Lu Tingxiao, who had been silent until now, lowered his eyes and slowly said, "What you are thinking about right now is that you won't let me in."

Feng Xiaoxiao smiled proudly and was about to continue to say "wrong" subconsciously. When she realized what Lu Tingxiao said, she was stunned.

"Damn! Mr. Lu! Are you too insidious?" Feng Xiaoxiao collapsed.

If she said he guessed wrong, wouldn't it mean that she wanted to let him in? The next levels were useless, so she had to let him in directly.

If he guessed correctly, then he has to pass this question...

Lu Jingli burst out laughing, "Hahaha, that's awesome, my brother~"

Feng Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth in anger and could only say, "You're cruel! You guessed it right!"

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