Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2157 Making trouble in the wedding room 2

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

"Who else! Who will answer the second question?" Tang Lang asked excitedly.

Feng Xiaoxiao glanced at several girls and picked Zhuang Ke'er, "Ke'er, come on!"

"" Zhuang Ke'er walked out hesitantly, looking a little embarrassed, "Wait for me to think about it!"

After thinking for a long time, Zhuang Kerer said, "Well, my question is, what kind of dress did Xiao Xi wear when she attended the Golden Palm Award?"

Lu Tingxiao replied without thinking: "Nirvana series, red sunset model."

Zhuang Keer nodded, "Correct answer."

Feng Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, "That's it? Ke'er, you are too soft-hearted! The question is too easy!"

Tang Lang vomited with a dark face, "Why don't you say you are too perverted? Do you think all girls are like you?"

Zhuang Keer said helplessly, "Actually, this problem is not easy. Even some of Xiao Xi's die-hard fans cannot remember every outfit and the exact series name of Xiao Xi's events so accurately."

Feng Xiaoxiao had no choice but to admit it.

Now there is only one question left in the first level, so you must be careful.

Feng Xiaoxiao looked at Ning Tianxin who was standing aside, "The third question, guess which painting Tianxin likes the most! You must guess it right in one go!"

Tang Lang immediately protested, "This is too much! How is it different from the first question! And there is no solution yet!"

Feng Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at him, "Don't worry, I won't bully you! This time I will ask Tianxin to write the answers in advance. As long as you guess correctly, I will definitely give them to you!"

Lu Jingli muttered, "That's hard to guess, right?"

Feng Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows, "Please! Don't you even look at who is in the room now! The most beautiful woman in China, the national goddess! This difficulty is all an advantage for you, okay?"

Lu Tingxiao nodded in agreement: "Yeah."

Lu Jingli: "..." Brother, whose side are you on?

It really breaks his heart to have such an unprincipled brother!

Helpless, Lu Jingli could only run to ask Qin Mufeng, "Hey, Doctor Qin, you are most familiar with this beautiful sister. You must know which painting she likes best, right?"

Qin Mufeng also looked a little embarrassed, "I'm glad to know that Tianxin likes Monet, but there are so many Monet paintings, and I'm not sure which one she will write like this!"

Lu Jingli's face suddenly fell, "That's terrible. Even my brother can't do anything about this kind of problem, right?"

"It's time! Have you discussed it yet?" Feng Xiaoxiao stepped forward holding a small piece of paper with Ning Tianxin's answer written in her hand.

"Hurry, hurry, have you thought of it?" Lu Jingli and others urged.

Qin Mufeng was worried. This was a matter of sexual well-being for a certain demon king. If he messed up, wouldn't he be doomed?

"Impression of sunrise? Lunch on the grass? Or water lily? Water lily seems more likely... But I'm really not 100% sure..." Qin Mufeng reluctantly approached Ning Tianxin, "Tianxin, can you reveal some clues? What?"

Ning Tianxin looked embarrassed, "This..."

Feng Xiaoxiao immediately separated the people, "What are you doing! Say no to sex and temptation! Please behave yourself! The countdown is ten seconds. If you don't give an answer, you will be considered a loser! Ten, nine, Eight, seven, six, five, four, three..."

"Wait a minute! Let us think about it again!"

"Holy shit, can't you give me some clues?"

At this moment, a man's slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded from the noisy crowd——

"Zero's "The Cage"."

The person who spoke was Mo Lingtian.

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