Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 244 Is this the rhythm of confession?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Looking at the large bouquet of pure white lilies, Ning Xi blinked blankly and took them reflexively.

Then, the waiters came in one after another, spread the tablecloths and arranged the candlesticks, set up an extremely exquisite candlelight dinner in just five minutes, and then bowed and retreated in a well-trained manner.

It turned out that this was what Lu Tingxiao meant if he could eat at home...

She thought she was cooking at home!

How naive! ! !

Just now she saw the words "Red Restaurant" engraved on the uniforms of those waiters. The Red Restaurant is the most famous private restaurant among the aristocratic circles in City B. It only serves one table a day, and the orderers have been queued until next year.

There is also a rule in this restaurant, no ordering is accepted, you can eat whatever you want, such a wayward restaurant, Lu Tingxiao actually let him come to deliver food...

Ning Xi looked at the flowers, then at the candlelight dinner table...

"This... These are clearly the standard equipment for a confession?" Ning Xi whispered in horror.

Lu Tingxiao deliberately dismissed Xiaobao today, and arranged things in advance. He even asked her a very pointed question about how to chase girls...

Is it really necessary to...

Why did the more she thought about it, the more she panicked?

In the next second, her gaze fell on the dessert on the small shelf by the table with a whoosh, um, there must be something like an engagement ring hidden in the cake, cough cough...

Impossible impossible! With Lu Tingxiao's personality, how could it be such an easy way to guess!

"Don't you like the dishes?" Lu Tingxiao frowned slightly when he saw that her expression was not good, then picked up the phone, "I'll ask them to withdraw and start again."

Ning Xi waved her hands hastily, "No, no, no! It's all my favorite food! What I mean is... I should invite you, how did you invite me!"

"Same." Lu Tingxiao said nonchalantly, and then pulled out the chair for her in a gentlemanly manner.

"Hey, thank you..." Ning Xi could only sit down.

She took a closer look at Lu Tingxiao, and then noticed a detail.

It is reasonable to say that today is a day off, he should wear casual clothes, but today he is dressed very formally, and tied a bow tie for the first time!

After sitting down, Ning Xi realized that she was absent-minded and forgot that she was still holding flowers in her arms, so she hurriedly found a vase and put it in.

"Do you like it?" Lu Tingxiao asked.

"What?" Ning Xi froze for a moment.


"Uh, I really like it..."

"Well, I think Lily is more suitable for you."

Ning Xi: "..."

Does he mean that the lily represents "innocence", or does he mean that the lily represents "a hundred years of love"?

"Let's eat." Lu Tingxiao picked up a chopstick dish for her.

"Yeah... I'll do it myself!" In order to hide her nervousness, Ning Xi began to work hard.

When she ate until her stomach was full, she finally found out that something was wrong, holding the half-eaten cake in her hand, she frowned and looked at the man opposite...

Lu Tingxiao didn't eat much all the time, but opened a bottle of wine and sipped it for himself, and the bottle was almost empty...

"Lu Tingxiao, why did you drink so much alcohol? I didn't see how you ate the food, uh...poof..."

When Ning Xi was talking, she still had a mouthful of unswallowed cake in her mouth, but as she was talking, she suddenly felt that she had bitten something hard, and hurriedly opened her mouth to spit it out.

"I'll go, what the hell, my teeth are numb..."

With a "ding dong", a shiny ring... fell on the white porcelain plate in front of her...

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