Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 245 A Deeper Kiss

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi stared at the ring on the plate like a light bulb, her whole expression was stunned.

I go! ! !

rather! evening! you! this! indivual! Wu! crow! Mouth!

She was actually hit by what she said...

She must guard against everything! I always subconsciously feel that the big devil's way of picking up girls must be a blockbuster that makes people hard to guard against. How did I know that I fell into such... an old-fashioned way!

However, the final result is the same, and it is still hard to guard against.

Is the Great Demon King doing the opposite on purpose?

At this moment, what Ning Xi regretted the most was why she didn't swallow the ring just now to destroy the corpse...

Under Ning Xi's dull gaze, Lu Tingxiao drank the last sip of wine in his glass, put down his glass, and looked at her with deep eyes: "The reason I keep drinking is because I'm nervous."

Ning Xi: "..." Is he still nervous? Who should be nervous!

The coldness on Lu Tingxiao's face turned into a slightly drunk mist, but the bottom of his dark night eyes was full of clarity, and his cold voice was like raindrops falling on a cold pool: "I never do things that I'm not sure about, but this time, I still do it." gone."

"This may be the most impulsive thing I have ever done in my life, but I have no choice and no room for regret."

"Now whether I advance or retreat, you have decided to stay away from me. It's just the difference between sooner and later."

"From the first day I met you, I have been planning this day and planned countless plans. However, you are becoming more and more afraid of me. For you now, those seem to only scare you, so , I chose the most traditional and gentle way."

After hearing the last sentence, Ning Xi was speechless: "..."

The gentlest way... Thank you for being so considerate!

But I'm still scared to pee, okay? ! !

Lu Tingxiao paused, then raised his head, and continued, "No matter which method I use, I don't have the confidence to completely impress you. Although today's plan is the safest method I can think of, but I'm within the budget. The probability of success is only 17 percent."

Ning Xi: "Huh?" What the hell is 17%? How on earth did he figure out this magic number?

"Uh, cough, cough...that what..."

Confused, Ning Xi subconsciously wanted to touch the wine, but found that Lu Tingxiao had already drank it all, so she poured herself a full glass of juice and gulped it down.

After putting down the glass with a "bang", Ning Xi finally found her voice——

"Lu Tingxiao, you are practicing how to confess your love to the girl you like! Well, it's pretty good, it's traditional but classic, low-key but still connotative, and the lines are sensational..."

Lu Tingxiao quietly looked at the girl opposite, pulled back the chair slightly, stood up, stretched his long arms across the dining table, pinched her chin where she was speaking, and leaned over to kiss her lips in the next second. ...

Ning Xi's voice stopped abruptly.

Three seconds later, just as he realized it, Lu Tingxiao pressed the back of her head firmly and kissed her more deeply...

The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, only the sound of rapid breathing, the slight friction between clothes and the sound of lips and tongues intertwining, the air temperature rose quietly...

After an unknown amount of time, the kiss finally ended. Lu Tingxiao slowly left her lips, but his broad palm was still covering the back of her neck, and his forehead was gently pressed against hers...

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