Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 273: A Date Tonight

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"You just said...your brother kept himself locked in the house?" Mr. Lu pondered.

Just as Lu Jingli was about to speak, his cell phone rang suddenly. It was Cheng Feng calling——

"Second Young Master, help!!!"

"Got it, I'll be right there!"

As soon as Cheng Feng spoke, Lu Jingli knew what was going on. He hung up the phone and shrugged to the old man, "My brother's assistant called just now. He has left for the company now. I have to go support the comrades! Bye~"

Watching Lu Jingli's leaving back, the two elders sat there, looking at each other.

"Chongshan, what do you think about this matter?" Mrs. Lu asked worriedly.

Mr. Lu said with a cold face: "Wait a little longer, wait and see what happens, who knows if that woman is playing hard to get?"

Mrs. Lu hesitated to speak, thinking that your son has confessed directly, which woman would be stupid enough to get her?

"Then what about Xiaobao!" This was what she was most concerned about.

"I think Xiaobao has fully recovered. It's not a big problem. Don't worry about it. When he stayed with us these few days, that woman wasn't around. Isn't he all right?"



At the same time, film and television city.

Ning Xi was lying on the bed, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, her body was convulsing, her expression was extremely painful...

She had a sweet dream, and it was a sweet dream.

She dreamed that she was wearing a white wedding dress, being held by the person who gave her hope and light, and slowly stepped into the sacred hall.

However, the moment the pastor read the oath, the world behind her suddenly began to collapse and be swallowed by darkness...

The man held her hand tightly, and she refused to let go no matter how piercingly she screamed...

In the end, she was finally pulled into the hell behind her...

"Ding Dong" "Ding Dong"...

The rapid doorbell rang her awake from the nightmare.

Ning Xi sat up abruptly, and found that her whole body was drenched in sweat, and her head was so painful that it was about to explode.

Last night, she almost suffered from insomnia all night, and she managed to sleep for a while when the sky was about to dawn, but in the end it was better not to sleep, and it was full of all kinds of nightmares.

"Ding dong"...

The doorbell was still ringing persistently.

Ning Xi's head was in a daze, and she ran to open the door step by step.


"I bought too much breakfast, do you want to... eat..." Jiang Muye didn't finish speaking, staring at her face with a ghostly expression, "Damn it! Your face is too scary! If you are accidentally caught by the reporter Seeing that, I thought you were taking drugs!"

Ning Xi grabbed the breakfast in his hand, "What a fuss, I've never seen anyone break up in love!"

The corners of Jiang Muye's mouth twitched slightly, "I've seen others, but I haven't seen you fall in love, you always let others fall in love..."

Ning Xi took a bite of the crab roe bun, "Then let's learn something today!"

Jiang Muye sighed, and looked worriedly at her pretending to be relaxed, "Ning Xi, are you really okay? Going to drink with you tonight?"

Ning Xi narrowed her eyes and waved her hands, "Sorry, no appointment, my sister already has an appointment tonight!"

"Damn! I felt sorry for you just now! You have an appointment now?"


Fortunately, Ning Xi's scene today was a battlefield scene, her face was smeared like charcoal, and she couldn't tell if she had a bad complexion, otherwise the shooting process would definitely be delayed.

Although she tried her best to concentrate, she ended up making several mistakes and almost hurting someone with a few martial arts moves, but luckily nothing serious happened.

Ning Xi knew that there was a serious problem with her condition and she couldn't go on like this.

Otherwise, she couldn't continue filming this scene.

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