Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 274 Little Treasure is Unhappy

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ever since Little Treasure accidentally heard Lu Jingli's words, the two elders had always been anxious, but they were relieved when they had lunch.

Xiaobao opened the door by himself and obediently came out, obediently ate his meal, drank the soup, and ate the fruit after the meal.

Everything seems to be the same as usual, but in the past the little guy's every move was full of agility and vitality, but now he looks like a robot that completes actions according to instructions.

After eating, Xiaobao took his drawing board and ran to the yard to draw.

The second elder secretly watched from a distance, wanting to see what the little guy drew, so as to guess his mood.

However, the little guy stared blankly at some place, and didn't move a single penny all afternoon.

"I can tell right away that our little treasure is unhappy!" Mrs. Lu was very distressed.

Mr. Lu walked back and forth a few times with his hands behind his back, and said in a deep voice, "It's fine if it's completely broken. It's fine if it's just Tingxiao marrying a wife. Just because there is Xiaobao, you must not be hasty! You can rest assured that Xiaobao will be handed over to you." In the hands of such a woman?"

"However, what Jingli said today makes sense. That girl may not be as bad as we imagined, and besides, she taught Xiaobao very well! Didn't you say that she is very good?"

"That's because I was fooled by those two brats!" Mr. Lu became angry when he mentioned this, and gave his wife a warning look, "Don't be kind to a woman, there is absolutely no negotiating about this matter! Your best now The most important thing is to hurry up and choose a suitable wife for Tingxiao, so that he can die for that woman!"

"Which one to choose! I want to choose you to choose! My precious grandson is like this, how can I have the heart to do those things that are available!"

"I'll choose what to say!"

"Anyway, I'm not going! I want to accompany my grandson!"



late at night.

Feilong Bay.

A group of young people dressed in exaggerated fashion are gathering together in groups of three or four.

One of the young men with short black hair was particularly conspicuous. His entire face was painted as an exaggerated skull, with flower arms tattooed on his arms, a black earring on his left ear, and chewing gum in his mouth. The young man said, "Aka, is my car ready?"

The white-haired young man named Aka patted a polished motorcycle next to him, "Ready, this is the one! See if it works!"

The young man with a skull face glanced critically at the car, and said in a forced tone, "It's okay, not as handsome as my little black!"

Aka rolled his eyes, "Come on, if I can get you something like this in a day, that's enough! By the way, Xizi, where's your car? Where's your blackie?"

"It's sent for repair, and I can't get it now." The young man said casually. Her car was still in Lu Tingxiao's place, and it was really inconvenient to get it under the current situation, so she had to borrow one.

Aka nodded, and clapped his hands to signal everyone to look over, "Have you all arrived? Let me tell you about the rules of the game! Start from Feilong Bay and end at Death Valley! The first place will win our Xiangxiang Xiao Princess's one.night.spring.night!"


There was cheers and boos at the scene.

At this time, a hot-dressed beauty with a sexy figure in the crowd slapped the back of A-Ka's head, "Bah! You stinky hooligan! You're still having a good night's sleep! You're so beautiful!"

A-Ka was beaten but still very happy, as if he had eaten honey, he laughed and said, "Haha, just kidding! Do it again! The prize is a kiss from our little princess Xiangxiang! In addition In addition, there is a bonus of 50,000 yuan!"

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