Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 276 Restored to Optimal Condition

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi lowered her body, turned the handlebar, accelerated suddenly, and narrowly passed Aka at the steepest bend, scraping the edge of the cliff...

"Damn it! This lunatic! I'm really desperate!" A-Ka cursed angrily.

There is no suspense in the final result, no matter how powerful you are, you can't fight for your life.

At the finish line, Xiang Xiang happily held the trophy and prize money like a bird and threw herself into Ning Xi's arms, pursing her red lips and sending a sweet kiss.

Ning Xi didn't hold back, she smiled and moved closer to let her kiss. However, the moment she kissed her, she shifted her position slightly, so the fragrant kiss didn't land on her lips, but landed on her lips with a plop. her cheek.

Xiangxiang blushed and stamped her feet in dissatisfaction, "Brother Xi, you hate me!"

Aka next to him watched his goddess kissing others, his eyes were red with anger, and he dropped his helmet, "Nimma, you can kiss this face!"

Xiangxiang ignored him, took Ning Xi's arm and said coquettishly, "Brother Xi, we also have activities tomorrow night, do you want to come and play together?"

"No, you guys can play!" Ning Xi politely declined.

Xiangxiang looked disappointed, and then curiously asked a question that he had always cared about, "Brother Xi, I feel that you are so mysterious. What are you busy with every day? What exactly do you do?"

"Secret!" Ning Xi showed a mysterious and evil smile, then waved her hands and turned to leave.

Looking at the chic back, Xiangxiang behind her looked obsessed...

Really handsome! This is the first man who is not interested in her beauty trick!

She must get it!


Back at the hotel in the early morning, Ning Xi almost fell into bed and fell asleep.

Although I only slept for more than three hours when I woke up in the morning, I was much more energetic than yesterday.

Today is still a relatively intense battlefield fighting scene, and there is also a big night scene.

Ning Xi played perfectly from beginning to end, with zero mistakes.

When the work was over, Guo Qisheng was very satisfied, "Not bad, not bad, Ning Xi, your condition today is much better than the previous two days! If we do this, our progress will definitely be able to catch up!"

Ning Xi breathed a sigh of relief, "I will try my best to keep it!"

Back at the hotel, Jiang Muye walked around her several times like a dog.

Ning Xi punched him angrily, "Crazy? You almost fainted! Did you really become a golden retriever?"

Jiang Muye squinted his eyes, "Ning Xiaoxi, tell me honestly, what did you do last night? Why did you suddenly feel like you got bloody today!"

"Sleep! What can I do!"

"Nonsense, I rang the doorbell of your room after one o'clock last night, and you were not in the room at all!"

"Damn it! Why are you ringing my doorbell when you're free?"

"Don't change the subject! I said Ning Xi, you didn't do anything illegal, did you?"

"Well, it seems to be a bit of a violation of law and discipline. If you are caught, you will be involved in the police..."


Ning Xi never said anything about that night, so Jiang Muye could only worry secretly, he squatted with her for two nights to make sure she didn't stay out all night before he was relieved.

For the next two days, Ning Xi's condition remained fairly stable.

In the blink of an eye, it had been three days since her showdown with Lu Tingxiao.

In the past three days, Lu Tingxiao hadn't contacted her, and she had deliberately ignored all his news and put all her energy on work.

It's just that I occasionally think of a certain night inexplicably...

Lu Tingxiao suddenly hugged her from behind and said to her, Ning Xi, I miss you very much, it seems like I haven't seen you for a long, long time...


[Today (9/17) the fourth update is finished~ Please ask for a ticket~ I finished writing today's article ahead of time, and I still have plenty of time. I will add one more update when I look back~]

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