Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 277 Little Treasure is very good

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu's old house.

In the evening, under the sunset glow in the sky, Xiaobao sat motionless in front of the easel, his little figure looked especially lonely and pitiful.

"Xiao Bao! Come over for dinner! Grandma made your favorite squirrel mandarin fish! Xiao Bao...Xiao Bao?"

Mrs. Lu yelled about five or six times, and Xiaobao finally responded.

The little guy packed up the easel meticulously, stared at the direction he had been looking at all afternoon, and then obediently entered the room.

On the dining table, a table is full of all kinds of dishes, including Chinese food and Western food.

"Xiaobao, eat more! These are your favorite food!"

"Yeah, eat more! Come on, grandpa will bring you food!"

Xiaobao looked at the food on the table dully, picked up the chopsticks with his little hand, picked up a piece of the nearest dish, then lowered his head and started to cook the rice without coaxing at all.

Seeing that Xiaobao is so obedient, the two elders heaved a long sigh of relief.

Mr. Lu secretly glanced at his wife and said, "I'll tell you that nothing will happen!"

That night, Xiao Bao still ate a lot, even more than usual, and seemed to have a good appetite.

After three days of peace and stability, nothing happened. Mr. Lu was very happy, and Mrs. Lu finally felt completely at ease.

However, just this night...

In Xiaobao's room, a servant's panicked shout suddenly came——

"Master! Old madam! It's not good! Young master, he... Come and take a look!"

"What are you yelling about? What happened?"

The two rushed over in a hurry.

Then I saw in the room, Xiaobao bent over and vomited all over the floor. He vomited out all the food he ate at night, and he kept spitting out sour water...

Mrs. Lu quickly patted him on the back, "Ah! Xiaobao! What's wrong with Xiaobao! Why did he vomit so hard all of a sudden!"

Mr. Lu forced himself to calm down and said, "Children, it doesn't matter if you vomit occasionally. It may just be food accumulation. Don't make a fuss!"

However, as soon as the words fell, the little guy's body softened and he passed out.

"Little Treasure—" Mrs. Lu screamed.

This time, even Mr. Lu couldn't calm down anymore, he turned pale in shock and yelled at the servants: "What are you doing in a daze! Why don't you call a doctor!"

For a moment, the whole old house was in chaos.

Mrs. Lu hugged the pale little treasure, she was so anxious that she almost lost her soul, she kept complaining to Lu Chongshan, "It's all your fault for saying it's all right! It's all right now! You have to torture my grandson to death Is it reconciled? What's wrong with that woman that Tingxiao fell in love with? She just makes us Xiaobao happy! Even if she's a beggar on the street, I'd like to let her in!"

"You...what are you talking about!"

"What's wrong with me! Did I say something wrong? I just want my precious grandson to be healthy! Xiaobao was so good before! He has recovered! But now it's like this again! My heart is about to break!"

"Aren't I sad? I'm not planning for Xiaobao's future!"

"Now that my life is gone, what future is there!" Mrs. Lu didn't know what to think of, and hurriedly ordered to the servant beside her: "Xiao Rong, go and show me the drawing paper of the young master. !"

"Okay old lady, I'll go right away!"

The maid quickly brought over Xiaobao's afternoon painting.

The second elder hurriedly took a closer look.

I saw that Xiaobao's painting was blank without drawing anything, but after getting closer, the two saw a line of small characters written in pencil in the middle of the canvas——

Aunt Xiaoxi

Xiaobao is obedient

why you still don't want Xiaobao


As soon as I saw Mrs. Lu's tears, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, "Xiaobao is fine! He is forcing himself to be obedient, he is forcing himself to eat obediently even though he can't eat, he obviously wants to be the same as before Making a fuss but forcing myself to be obedient... just because I promised to be good!"

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