Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 280 Taking turns coaxing Xiaobao

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Chongshan looked at his elder son who was like an ice sculpture, and then at his wife and younger son who were hugging and crying into a ball. He was really devastated, "Stop crying, you two! What does it look like! Little Treasure is fine! Didn't the doctor say it all? It's just indigestion caused by depression!"

Mrs. Lu was in a hurry, "It's not a serious problem, it's not a serious problem even if you are depressed? Xiaobao's autism is just right, what if he gets depression again!"

"How could it be so serious, how can a child suffer from depression..."

At this time, the door of Xiaobao's room opened, Qin Mufeng came out of the room, coughed lightly and said: "Mr. Lu, from a medical point of view, children will also suffer from depression, and according to Xiaobao's situation , is indeed a bit of a precursor.”

"Listen! You must believe what the doctor says!"

Lu Chongshan looked solemn, and said in a deep voice, "Then can you find a girl who looks similar to that woman to accompany Xiaobao? Isn't there a word in psychology called empathy?"

"Is this..." Qin Mufeng couldn't speak too bluntly, and was considering his words.

Lu Jingli didn't have so many scruples anymore, and replied directly, "Dad, Xiaobao is only introverted, not mentally retarded, you are fooling too much!"

"Come here, brat! I'll beat you to death!" Lu Chongshan, who had choked repeatedly, was so angry that he was about to chase after him and beat him, but Lu Tingxiao raised his hand to block it.

Seeing this, Lu Jingli was so moved that he almost cried, oh! His brother actually protected him!

"One or two of you brothers sincerely want to piss me off, don't you?"

"Okay, okay, what's the noise! ​​It's so loud! Don't scare Xiaobao!" Mrs. Lu hurried out to smooth things over, "Tingxiao, go in and see Xiaobao, and persuade him!"

In the room, Xiaobao was indeed as obedient as the old lady said.

When Lu Tingxiao entered, the little guy was holding a cup to take medicine and drink water by himself.

How could Lu Tingxiao be a persuasive person? He didn't even change his cool expression, he just said mechanically, "Everyone has their own life and choices. Excessive entanglement will only be a burden. You should learn to let go."

That expression and tone seemed to say "sad".

Xiaobao's expression was blank, as if he didn't understand the meaning of his father's words for a moment. After a while, his big eyes were filled with sadness...

Mrs. Lu was in a hurry, "I asked you to coax people, what are you talking about with a five-year-old child!"

After finishing speaking, he supported his forehead and sighed, "I'm so confused, what's the use of calling this wooden stake back! It's better not to come back! It makes Xiaobao even more sad! Be good Jingli, come and try!"

"Ah? I'm coming!" Lu Jingli scratched his head and walked over, and said softly, "Little Treasure, can Second Uncle sing for you? Cough cough, gourd baby gourd baby has seven flowers on a vine, the wind blows I am not afraid of the rain, la la la la la..."

In the next second, Xiaobao's dull and lifeless eyes quickly became moist, and tears rolled down patter...

Madam Lu's heart was broken, and she was so angry that she thumped Lu Jingli on the back, "You bastard, bastard! What song did you sing that made Xiaobao cry!"

Lu Jingli died of injustice, "Damn it! It's my fault too? It's such a cheerful song! He used to like to hear his Aunt Xiao Xi sing it the most, okay! Uh... well, it seems like he shouldn't sing this song... ..."

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