Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 281 Heart disease needs a heart medicine doctor

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Accidentally made Xiaobao feel hurt...

"Let's go! Let me go! They are all useless things! What use are you for! I can't figure out how to coax Xiaobao well, and you all don't want to eat at night!" Mrs. Lu went into a rage, throwing Lu Tingxiao and Lu Jingli , Qin Mufeng, and the old man all rushed out in one go.

In the next few days, the entire Lu family mobilized and failed to coax Xiaobao well, but saw the little guy getting depressed day by day.

He still eats well, but often vomits after eating, and sleeps obediently, but he always has nightmares, and his spirit is getting worse...

For this reason, Lu Chongshan invited a whole psychological team from abroad, but it was useless, the replies were all heart problems and he needed a doctor of heart medicine, otherwise he might need to take long-term medicine and treatment to control the deterioration of the disease.

Lu Chongshan was so angry, if he could take that "heart medicine", why would he invite them?

Three-drug! That woman is at least 70% poisonous! How dare he bet on Xiaobao!

How important is the role of mother to a person's life and growth?

Now the third generation of the Lu family only has Xiaobao as an only seedling. If Xiaobao has an accident because of his wrong decision, how can he explain to the ancestors under Jiuquan?

In the evening, Baichuan Hotel.

Because the recent filming went very smoothly and the progress was much ahead of schedule, Guo Qisheng specially invited everyone to have a dinner together in order to let everyone relax.

"Everyone Xin has worked hard during this period, especially Ning Xi, who has a very heavy role in the scene. I will definitely treat everyone to a meal when it's finished! Come on, cheers!"

"Everyone cheers!"

"Cheers! Thank you director for the treat!"


In the corner, Ning Xueluo listened to the phrase "Ning Xi's role is very important", she was so angry that she dug her fingernails into the flesh of her palm, but she could only maintain a decent smile on her face.

Now all the funds for the crew are provided by Lu Group and Shengshi Entertainment, which means that she has no reliance or voice in the crew.

Fortunately, she knew that the crew would not dare to change her position as the heroine. Even if something like that happened to her before, she still has many diehard fans after all because of her popularity and status.

It's better to endure this period of time.

If Ning Xi was in the limelight again, she would do it for her. Shengshi spent so much money on making wedding dresses for others!

After that incident, everyone in the production crew obviously became a little alienated from Ning Xueluo, and they all talked around Ning Xi and Jiang Muye, who were more beautiful than the male lead and the female lead.

Being left out in the cold, Ning Xueluo was a little embarrassed, so she went to talk to Zhao Sizhou, who was next to her, "Sizhou, today's fish is really good, try it!"

"I don't like fish." Zhao Sizhou said indifferently.

Originally, after Jiang Muye came, he was overwhelmed, but in the end he was also implicated by this woman, which made the role of the scene much less. How could he have a good face towards her.

"Oh, forget it." Ning Xueluo could no longer hold back her expression, and hurriedly got up and went to the bathroom.

In the bathroom.

Ning Xueluo was trembling with anger, and swept everything on the washstand to the ground, "Ning Xi, go ahead and be proud now, just wait and see, I won't let you be proud for too long!!!"

"Come on, Ben Gong is waiting!"

"Ah! You... Ning Xi..." A voice suddenly came from behind her. Ning Xueluo was startled, and when she turned around, she saw Ning Xi standing behind her in a leisurely manner.

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