Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 282 You Bite Me

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xueluo quickly regained her composure, and said with contempt on her face, "Oh, Ning Xi, I thought you had such a powerful background! So you're just an actor!"

In the past two days, rumors about Ning Xi's affair with Jiang Muye had been raging, so she knew about it right away.

Originally, she was secretly sending someone to watch the two of them, but she didn't expect to be exposed by the fans before she could do anything, and contrary to her expectations, this incident not only didn't hit Ning Xi like last time , On the contrary, she gained a lot of fans and popularity.

Damn bitch, actually got Jiang Muye out, no wonder he was able to sign with Shengshi so smoothly.

Although she said "actor" in her mouth, she knew clearly in her heart that Jiang Muye was not a simple entertainer.

Jiang Muye's mother, Tan Jingxian, was the adopted daughter of the Lu family, but Jiang Muye wanted to call the elders of the Lu family grandpa and grandma, and Lu Tingxiao as uncle!

Such a relationship, even if there is no blood relationship, is very close.

Because of being backed by the Lu family, the Jiang family's business has grown bigger and bigger over the years, and the Jiang family has only one son, Jiang Muye, so Jiang Muye will definitely inherit the family business in the future.

However, with Jiang Muye's temperament, he could play with Ning Xi for a few days! Can she still marry? What a fool's dream!

"You look down on actors so much, then what are you?" Ning Xi raised her eyebrows.

"I'm still the daughter of my parents. I'm Miss Ning, so I'm naturally much more noble than you!" Ning Xueluo looked proud, obviously trying to show off that Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu didn't have any feelings for her because of that incident. Bad luck.

She chose this line of work not only because she enjoyed being sought after by others and the feeling of getting something that Ning Xi couldn't get, but also because she had a wide network of contacts.

This time, it was also thanks to her help to negotiate a big contract for Ning's International that she came out of the shadow of framing Ning Xi, but it was inevitable that she would have to be more careful in her actions in the future.

Thinking of this, Ning Xueluo immediately gained confidence, and said arrogantly: "You sold yourself for a mere 8 million, and you deserve to be compared with me?"

"Tch..." Ning Xi suddenly sneered when she heard the words.

"why are you laughing?"

Ning Xi looked at her leisurely, "Smile eight million!"

Ning Xueluo frowned, "Ning Xi, you're so eccentric, what do you mean?"

Ning Xi shook her head and sighed, "Miss Ning, I'm so sorry, I didn't expect you to be so stupid that you still don't know where my eight million came from!"

Ning Xueluo snorted coldly, "Didn't you get it by selling yourself to Jiang Muye! I don't know anything!"

The corner of Ning Xi's mouth raised slightly, and she leaned closer to her ear, whispering, "My eight million liquidated damages...couldn't you give it to me yourself?"

"What? I gave it to you! Ning Xi, are you crazy? How could I..." Halfway through the sentence, Ning Xueluo couldn't continue, and suddenly her eyes widened, "Ning My person is you!!!"

"Yeah, it's me, you bit me?"

"You are blackmailing! I want to sue you!"

"Oh, I'm so scared, I'm so scared to death!"

"" Ning Xueluo almost fainted from the anger.

She never expected that the 8 million yuan that made her heart ache would actually end up in Ning Xi's pocket, and she paid the liquidated damages for her.

Now that this matter has finally been uncovered, she must never bring it up again. Besides, she has no evidence. She has tried to find someone to crack those anonymous emails and accounts a long time ago, but found nothing at all.

In the end, he had to suffer such a big loss.

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