Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 285: Always So Witty

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Doctor Qin said he was slightly depressed." Lu Jingli said in a heavy tone.

"Depression? How can you be depressed? How is the situation now?"

There has been no news from the Lu family these days. She thinks the best news is that there is no news. She thought that Xiao Bao had finally fully recovered with her efforts. I came to look for her a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be like this...

"Now the situation is getting more and more serious. Doctors have come by a dozen, but nothing is of any use. Xiao Xixi, hurry up and see Xiaobao!"

"Where is Xiao Bao now?"

"In the old house, my parents are here!"

Ning Xi on the phone was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly changed her tone, "Lu Jingli, you have something to hide from me."

"Ah?! What can I hide from you?"

"Little Treasure felt uncomfortable a few days ago. It stands to reason that you should have come to me at that time, or at least called me, but you didn't. You didn't tell me this until now, and it was still in the middle of the night. One thing, I was urged to come here, and Xiaobao is still in the old house..." Ning Xi paused, and then continued, "Mr. and Madam, do they know my identity? They don't agree with Lu Tingxiao telling me Together, I'm not allowed to get close to Xiaobao, is it?"

"Uh...uh... this..." Lu Jingli always guessed about other people's affairs, and he guessed right, but this was the first time he was completely out of the bag, so he muttered bitterly, "Xiao Xixi, you Why are you so smart all of a sudden?"

"Get out! I've always been so smart!" Ning Xi rolled her eyes, pinched the center of her brows, and said in a weary tone, "Second Young Master, you know that with the current situation of me and Lu Tingxiao, I used to be not very smart. Appropriate, not to mention the factors from your parents.

At the beginning, I promised Lu Tingxiao to stay with Xiaobao for three months, but in fact... tomorrow is the last day of the agreement, and I have to leave sooner or later.

Even if I go this time, then next time, next time...

Xiaobao has the most authoritative doctor by his side, grandparents, and you take care of him. I believe he will forget me after a long time..."

After Ning Xi said all this in one breath, she didn't know whether she was telling Lu Jingli or herself.

Of course she is worried about Xiaobao, but if she goes to see her at this time, she is almost sure that her heart will soften the moment she sees Xiaobao, and she may even agree to all his requests...

Dang Duan was constantly being disturbed by it, and she had persisted for so many days, and she couldn't let it fall by the wayside.

"But sister-in-law, a heart disease needs a heart medicine doctor, and a person needs to tie the bell to untie it. Xiaobao's illness is actually because of your thoughts. He is looking forward to your return every day. Do you really have the heart... Hey... Hey... "

There was a hurried beeping sound from the other end of the phone, and Lu Jingli was momentarily stunned.

Depend on! It really failed! ! !

It seems that Xiao Xixi has become cruel this time!

What can I do! My poor baby!

There was no other way, Lu Jingli could only go to his brother to report the situation with his head drooping.

After searching around, I found him in Xiaobao's house.

Lu Tingxiao was sitting on the head of the bed, and Little Treasure was lying on the bed with his eyes closed. He didn't know if he had fallen asleep. The little guy didn't sleep very well recently.

Lu Tingxiao knew the result just by looking at Lu Jingli's expression, with an expected expression, "She refused?"

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