Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 286 The only person who can protect her is you

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Jingli couldn't bear to tell the bad news in front of Xiaobao, and after hesitating for a long time, he nodded his head with difficulty, "I've said everything I can say, but she was really determined this time, and the worst thing was, she guessed that Mom and Dad knew Her identity and attitude towards her..."

"Give me the phone." Lu Tingxiao held out his hand.

"Ah? What do you want my phone for?" Lu Jingli passed the phone over slowly.

Lu Tingxiao picked up Lu Jingli's phone, pressed the password to unlock it, took a photo of Xiaobao's room, then clicked on WeChat, found Ning Xi, and sent the photo he just took to Ning Xi.

"Damn it! Brother, how did you know my phone password! It's too much! There's no privacy at all!" Lu Jingli snatched his phone back dissatisfied.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "ding", and there was new information.

Reply so soon?

Lu Jingli hurriedly opened it to see what Ning Xi had said.

As a result, I saw full exclamation points at a glance——

[Lu Jingli! You bastard! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! you are vicious! I am coming over now! ]

"Fuck! Xiao Xixi, why are you scolding me! Brother, what the hell did you do! I'm so wronged! It's obviously you who sent me the blame, but you actually let me take the blame, how can this be so..." Lu Jingli had a look on his face. Complain, and then quickly click on the picture to see what is the mystery.

After reading it, I finally understood.

His brother sent Ning Xi to see Xiaobao's painting with nothing but a few lines of small characters written on it.

What would Xiao Xixi's reaction be when he saw something that even an old man like him couldn't stand?

It's totally conceivable...

Nima! He said it's useless to break his tongue! As a result, she immediately changed her mind after a picture of his brother passed by!

If that's the case, why didn't you post that picture in the first place!

Immediately afterwards, Ning Xi sent another message: [Your brother... is he also in the old house? ]

Lu Jingli was about to reply subconsciously, "Yes", but before he could type, his hands were empty, and Lu Tingxiao took the phone.

Lu Tingxiao sent two words: [absent]

Ning Xi immediately replied: [That's good, I'll be there in about half an hour. ]

"Uh..." Lu Jingli mourned for his brother for the second time.

"That's good" these three words are really sad to hear!

There was no reaction on Lu Tingxiao's face, and he said expressionlessly, "I'll avoid it later, you go and pick her up."

"Oh, I see!" Lu Jingli nodded repeatedly.

After Lu Tingxiao explained to Lu Jingli, he walked to Xiaobao's bedside, "Xiaobao, I have a few things to tell you."

Xiao Bao didn't respond.

Lu Tingxiao: "It's about your Aunt Xiao Xi's safety. You also know what the consequences will be if your grandfather finds out that she came to visit you this time."

Xiaobao still didn't open his eyes.

Knowing that he was listening, Lu Tingxiao continued, "Remember what I say next, the only person who can protect her now is you..."

Meanwhile, Jun comes to the hotel.

Ning Xi ran out in tears.

When she saw Xiaobao's writing clearly, all her unshakable principles and concerns, her ninety-nine and eighty-one lines of defense, all went to hell at that moment!

asshole! She really wanted to strangle that bastard Lu Jingli to death!

Why did you show her that picture!

How determined is she to be able to resist not seeing the little baby!

Now she just wants to do something illegal and criminal, such as really stealing the little baby back...

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