Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 290 My Wife Is A Great Beauty

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Seeing Ning Xi sneaking over on a bicycle, A-Ka pinched his cigarette, rolled up his sleeves and rushed up to blow his hair, "Damn it! You kid is playing us! How many yards are you driving?" ? My locomotive with such a superb configuration, you drive me a battery car? Why don’t you look down on me!”

He managed to beat him once, but in the end he didn't feel any sense of accomplishment at all, and was ridiculed by everyone, it was more aggrieved than losing.

"That's right, Xizi, you're going too far! My brothers have been waiting for you here for half an hour!"

"Brother Xi, you hate it! It made me lose a kiss, but I won't honor it. Aka's victory is invincible! I have to compete again to be convinced!"

"Do it all over again! Who is afraid of whom! I want to beat him upright!"


Everyone was yelling at each other, but Ning Xi didn't reply, she took off her helmet, got out of the car, parked the car safely, and carefully carried Xiaobao off the back seat.

"Huh? Brother Xi, what are you putting in the back seat?"

"Why do I look like a child? Xizi, you probably kidnapped it from somewhere! We can't do such immoral things!"

"That's right! Xizi, you are usually so mysterious, is it some kind of gang that kidnaps and sells children?"

Ning Xi took off the small helmet on Xiaobao's head, gave the group of people a blank look, and said angrily, "Fart! This is my son!"

"What! Brother Xi, you have a son!" Xiangxiang had a world-shattering expression on her face, "You actually have such a big son, how is this possible!"

"Damn it! Xizi is married? She even has a son?"

In an instant, everyone gathered around to look at the little boy beside Ning Xi.

The happiest person at the scene was Aka. This guy was furious just now, and now he is crazy with joy, "Xizi, good brother! You can do it! You even have a baby! Promising! Look at how your son is doing!" Those big eyes carved in pink and jade, tsk tsk, tell me honestly, your wife must be a great beauty, right?"

"Well, my wife..." Ning Xi rubbed her chin, and Lu Tingxiao's cold and beautiful face appeared in her mind, "She is indeed a great beauty!"

Aka laughed suddenly, "Hahaha... I knew it! Xiangxiang, you can give up now!"

Xiangxiang stomped her feet and clung to Ning Xi's arms with tears in her eyes, "I don't believe it, I don't believe it! Brother Xi, how beautiful is your wife? Is she as beautiful as me? Don't you like me at all? You still let me kiss you!" You are gone!"

The moment Xiangxiang got close to Ning Xi, she suddenly felt a chill down her spine. When she lowered her head, she saw that cute little pink dumpling looking at her with cold eyes, like a horse defending its territory. little wolf.

Ning Xi coughed lightly, picked up Xiaobao, and patted Xiaobao reassuringly.

The moment the little guy was picked up by Ning Xi, he turned from a little wild wolf into a cute little bun again. His short hands grabbed Ning Xi's neck, and his little head obediently rested on her shoulder.

Ning Xi looked at Xiangxiang apologetically while comforting Xiao Baozi, "I'm sorry Xiangxiang, it's just the rules of the game. If you misunderstood anything, I'm sorry. I only have my son's mother in my heart. He is my son's mother." The person I love the most and the only one I love in this life!"

Ning Xi took advantage of this good opportunity to make Xiangxiang give up.

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