Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 291 My Baby

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Tang Xi, I hate you the most!!!" Xiangxiang ran out crying.

Ning Xi thumped A-Ka's shoulder, "Why are you standing still, go after him!"

A-Ka was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses, punched Ning Xi, and then quickly chased after him.

After chatting with everyone for a while, Ning Xi put Xiaobao's helmet back on, "Brothers, it's inconvenient for me to take my son with me today, so let's go first. Next time, I invite you to eat skewers and order barbecue beer as you like!"

"Xizi, that's what you said!"

"That's right! Don't let us go! By the way, remember to bring your beautiful wife to show me!"

"Haha, yes, yes, you must bring it with you!"

Ning Xi gave the group of guys a sideways look, and said angrily, "Go away! I've already said she's a great beauty, do you think I'm willing to show it to you hungry wolves?"

"Huh—" Everyone sighed for a while.

The night gradually faded, the sky turned white, and before you knew it, it was almost dawn.

Ning Xi drove along the road to a secluded alley.

From a distance, I could smell a seductive fragrance floating from inside.

Ning Xi parked the car and carried Xiao Bao down, "You're hungry, Auntie will take you to eat delicious food!"

Ning Xi led Xiaobao into a breakfast restaurant that looked old but was cleaned very cleanly. She ordered a basket of steamed buns and two bowls of wontons.

The steamed buns were all thin-skinned and filled with big meat. The wontons were also full of ingredients. They were dripped with special sesame oil and sprinkled with chopped green onion. Ning Xi ate one bowl and asked for a second bowl in no time.

Looking up at the little buns, he also huh lala finished a big bowl full, and licked his mouth with a little expression that was still unfinished.

Ning Xi laughed, "Your belly is so big, you can't eat too much of it at one time, one bowl is enough, let's try another steamed bun! This one is delicious too!"

As he spoke, he picked up a bun, dipped it in some vinegar and put it in his small bowl.

This time the little buns were eaten slowly, as if reluctant to finish eating.

Ning Xi tilted her head and stared at the little bun. The more she looked at it, the more uncomfortable she felt. She took a deep breath before trying to look away.

After Xiao Baozi finished eating a small steamed bun, his face was full of disappointment.

"Next..." Ning Xi held back the sentence "I'll bring you over to eat next time" that she was about to blurt out.

After breakfast, Ning Xi checked the time on her phone, it was almost six o'clock.

There are still two hours to send the little bun back, and she has to start work...

This place is very close to the Pearl River Royal View, so Ning Xi took Xiaobao directly to her apartment and washed his face, so as not to scare the elders when he went back later.

With how caring and careful those two are for Xiaobao, they definitely cannot accept such a game...

Xiaobao looked at his restored face in the mirror, his eyes dimmed instantly.

Ning Xi picked up a pink oil paintbrush from the dressing table and painted him a pink nose and beard, which looked like a cute kitten.

Then I quickly drew the same one for myself, "Meow ~ so cute~"

Xiaobao stroked the cat's whiskers on his cheeks, and his complexion improved a bit.

Ning Xi sat on the bed holding the depressed little bun, "Is baby sleepy? Do you want to sleep for a while?"

The little bun immediately shook his head, his eyes widened.

"Well, what should we do...let me think..."

Ning Xi tried hard to think about what else she could do with Xiao Baozi in the remaining one hour, and what else she could do to make him very, very happy.

Thinking about it, I don't know what happened, my emotions suddenly collapsed at this moment, and the tears I have endured for a long time can no longer hold back...

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