Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 292: The Whole Bun Is Confused

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Maybe it's because I've suppressed it for too long, even though I know that in front of Xiao Baozi, it shouldn't be like this, it will scare him.

But, she really couldn't help it...

The little bun sat by the bed, staring blankly at Ning Xi who was lying on the pillow crying out of breath, the whole bun was dumbfounded, his big eyes were full of bewilderment and panic.

After a long time, he tried to pat Aunt Xiao Xi with his little hands, just like she usually does to comfort himself.

However, as soon as he patted her a few times, Ning Xi cried even harder in an instant.

The little bun was startled, and he didn't dare to act rashly again.

His dark eyes looked anxiously at Ning Xi who was crying more and more sadly, his eyes were wet, and he wanted to cry too.

However, he can't cry!

Aunt Xiao Xi still needs him!

Xiao Baozi forced back tears, and took out a small mobile phone from his pocket.

In fact, he hated this kind of cold thing very much. He didn't like the only way to contact his Aunt Xiao Xi through it, so he stubbornly refused to use it.

He wanted Aunt Xiao Xi to hug him, touch his head, and kiss his face...

This was the first time that Xiao Baozi took the initiative to use the new mobile phone that Lu Tingxiao had prepared for him these days.

Little Baozi quickly sent a message to his father in the address book - [crying]

In the Lu family's old house, upstairs in the study room, Lu Tingxiao, who was sitting at the desk when he saw Xiaobao's message, straightened up instantly and almost knocked down the cup in his hand.

He immediately replied and asked: [Who is crying? Aunt Xiaoxi? ]

Xiaobao returned a [um]

Lu Tingxiao immediately knew why Ning Xi was crying.

However, facing his son's plea for help, he was helpless.

He really didn't have any experience in coaxing a crying girl.

Lu Tingxiao turned on the computer and started various researches and searches.

With Xiaobao reminding him twice in a row, Lu Tingxiao hastily sent a picture to Xiaobao. The picture was a joke.

[Show her this and try it]

Xiao Bao hurriedly showed the picture sent by Papa to Aunt Xiao Xi, with a worried face.

Ning Xi raised her head with tears in her eyes, and vaguely saw a text on the phone that Xiao Bao handed over:

"In the past, Apple and Pear were good friends, but then Apple was going to move, so they met back to this place after ten years of meeting. Ten years later, Apple returned to this place again, but after a long time, Pear still didn't see each other. Appeared. The apple waited and waited and waited and turned into plasma."

"Pfft!" Ning Xi burst out laughing halfway through crying, she couldn't laugh or cry, "Honey, your too cold!"

Moreover, it inexplicably made her feel very familiar, very someone's style.

"I'm sorry baby, Auntie suddenly lost control just now...I'm going to wash my face!" Ning Xi sniffed in embarrassment and went to the bathroom in embarrassment.

She really had enough, she devoted herself to comforting Xiaobao, but in the end she cried in front of Xiaobao, and finally asked Xiaobao to comfort herself...

After Ning Xi went into the bathroom, Xiaobao secretly sent a note back to Papa: [laughs]

Lu Tingxiao, who had been waiting nervously on the other end of the phone, finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Later, he worriedly reminded his son: [Remember what I told you? ]

Seeing that Xiaobao replied with an [um], he felt a little relieved.

At this moment, the door of the study was suddenly pushed open, and Lu Jingli rushed in in shock, with an expression of doomsday——

"Brother! It's over! The old man came back early! And he's already at the door now!!!"

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