Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 295 Two Kiss

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Chongshan's eyes immediately fell on Ning Xi's precious grandson. After confirming that he was intact, his sharp eyes suddenly shot at Ning Xi.

Even though Lu Chongshan had abdicated for a long time, after all, he had been in the imperial capital for so many years, and his aura was still very scary when he suppressed it.

Since Ning Xi was going directly to the set later, she had already changed into her usual casual attire, her hair was simply tied into a ponytail, and her attire was decent.

It's just that Lu Chongshan naturally wouldn't notice this, he was so full of sinister intentions that the woman in front of him even colluded with his two sons to abduct his precious grandson from his house overnight!

This is downright audacious! Challenge his authority!

Lu Chongshan walked towards Ning Xi aggressively, getting closer and closer, and the tense atmosphere was about to break out...

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Little Baozi, who was standing motionless beside Ning Xi, suddenly let go of Ning Xi's hand, and trotted towards his grandparents with his short legs...

Seeing the baby's grandson running towards them, the two elders were so distressed that they almost broke. They subconsciously thought that the baby must have suffered some kind of grievance, and Qi Qi knelt down to comfort him.

As a result, the little baby ran up to them, and a big smile slowly bloomed on his always dazed little face.

The next second, under the astonished eyes of the two elders, Xiaobao leaned over, first kissed grandma on the cheek, and then kissed grandpa on the cheek fairly.

this moment.

Mr. Lu: "..."

Mrs. Lu: "..."

Lu Jingli's mouth opened into an O shape.

All the servants had surprised expressions, even Ning Xi who was opposite was shocked by this scene.

In the whole scene, the only calm person was probably Lu Tingxiao who was in control of everything.

After about ten seconds, the elders still couldn't react.

Mrs. Lu had a dreamy expression, her face full of disbelief, "I...Am I dreaming? Our baby just... just kissed me...?"

"Kiss me too." Lu Chongshan added with a very serious expression.

At this moment, his raging anger has been extinguished so that not even a spark is left.

In order to maintain his majesty, he first tried his best to suppress his excited expression, then slowly stood up, turned his hands away, his eyes fell on Ning Xi who was opposite him again, and coughed softly:

"Well, this... Ms. Ning, right? Thank you for sending our little treasure back. If you don't mind, come in and have a seat!"

Mrs. Lu immediately agreed, "Yes, yes! You are here, come in and have a seat! I just made breakfast, let's have some together!"

"Uh, I just ate..." It's over.

Ning Xi hadn't even uttered her words when she was pulled in by Mrs. Lu enthusiastically arm in arm.

Ning Xi: "..."

From the beginning to the end, Lu Jingli looked confused: "..." Is this even okay?

Ning Xi was dragged halfway, she was in a dilemma, in the end she really had no choice but to look at Lu Tingxiao who she had been avoiding and didn't even dare to look at for help:

Boss adults! Help wow! ! !

Lu Tingxiao looked at the girl who was begging for help with a bitter face, the corners of his mouth slightly lifted, and the frost in his eyes melted into tenderness like water...

Ning Xi didn't know what was going on, Lu Tingxiao just had a clear and shallow look in her eyes, and the huge waves in her heart instantly turned into a slowly flowing stream under the spring breeze, and she was instantly at peace.

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