Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 296 Touching the little hand under the table

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Brother! Dear brother! Tell me honestly, did you teach Xiaobao this trick? Did you plan from the beginning and just wait for this moment to fight back? Damn it! Since you have planned it, you should give it to me anyway." Breathe it out! I was so frightened that I almost flew out of my wits just now!" Lu Jingli wiped the sweat from his forehead, his face still in shock.

Lu Tingxiao glanced at his younger brother who was indeed on the verge of collapsing from fright, and rarely explained: "You can't hide things on your face, if your father sees that Xiaobao did this under the professor, it will only treat Ning Xi Even more disgusted."

"Uh... Is there really something that can't be hidden on my face?" Lu Jingli burst into tears.

Even cheating him is so reasonable that I can't refute it at all...

However, after the crisis was resolved, Lu Jingli quickly revived with full blood, and excitedly vomited, "Brother, did you see the expressions of our parents just now? It's so funny! The old man is obviously going crazy with joy, Still pretending to be calm, the old lady grabbed Ning Xi and ran away, her posture was like a robber! Xiao Xixi was completely dumbfounded at the time!"

Lu Jingli recalled Ning Xi's expression at that time, and he felt a lot of comfort in his heart, at least there was someone who was as confused as him.

In the retro-style Chinese living room, the long dining table is already filled with a row of various foods.

It's just a breakfast, it's even more exaggerated than a banquet.

Finally, Ning Xi sat down at the dining table in such a daze.

Sitting opposite were Mrs. Lu, Xiao Bao, and Mr. Lu.

Ning Xi's side is Lu Jingli, her, and Lu Tingxiao.

There was no other way, Ning Xi could only take the initiative to save herself, "Thank you very much Madam for your kind invitation, I have already eaten."

In other words, I've already eaten it! Let me go!

At the same time, facing the big devil who is so close to her on the left, and the parents of the big devil on the opposite side, it is really stressful!

"Have you eaten it? And Xiaobao has eaten it too?" Mrs. Lu asked immediately.

"Yes." Ning Xi replied cautiously, without saying a word.

"What did Xiaobao eat this morning?"

"Xiao Bao ate a big bowl of wontons and a few steamed buns."

"Oh, that's quite a lot!" Mrs. Lu nodded, and then asked with concern, "Did he vomit?"

Hearing this, Lu Chongshan looked over with a serious expression.

Ning Xi shook her head, "Not really."

The two elders breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Then see what you like, and try some!" Madam Lu said and brought her a small dish of fried fish steak with lemon.

The kindness is hard to turn down, so Ning Xi could only bite the bullet and express her gratitude.

At this time, Lu Chongshan coughed lightly, and gave the lady next to him a look.

The old lady understood immediately, and asked again, "Miss Ning, I heard that you took our little treasure out to play last night?"

finally come! ! !

Ning Xi immediately tensed up, "Sorry, no..."

Ning Xi was going to plead guilty to taking Xiaobao out without their consent...

But at this moment, her left hand on her knee was suddenly covered by a warm palm, and she shook it lightly, which seemed to be a hint and a reminder.

Because it was so sudden, Ning Xi was as frightened as a cat whose tail was stepped on. She almost jumped up on the spot, her throat was choked by a mouthful of food, and she coughed wildly, "Ahem, cough..."

Lu Tingxiao acted as if he wasn't the one touching the girl's little hand in private. He poured her a glass of water very calmly, and then fed it to her mouth very naturally.

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