Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 297 Finally Knowing How to Push Cabbage

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

How could Ning Xi dare to drink water directly from the hand of the Great Demon King in front of everyone, and hurriedly brought it over by herself in fear, gulping and gulping.

She has a bad habit. When she is nervous, she can't help but keep filling her stomach.

Looking at the subtle interaction between her own son and the other girl, Mrs. Lu, a real mother, could not know what happened.

It's just that I can't believe that this elm-headed eldest son would do such things as molesting girls.

What is this feeling that a pig that has worked so hard for so many years will finally grow cabbage...

At this moment, Lu Tingxiao didn't take his hand away, but opened Ning Xi's sweaty palm and wrote the word "I" on her palm.

After recognizing that word, Ning Xi instantly knew what Lu Tingxiao meant.

The Great Demon King is telling her not to admit it, but to blame all the faults on him.

But, wouldn't that be too good?

While Ning Xi was hesitating, Lu Tingxiao had already started scratching the softest and most sensitive part of her palm with his slightly rough fingertips...

That ambiguous touch was like directly touching her heart.

Ning Xi didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and quickly said according to his intention, "President Lu suddenly called me last night and said that Xiaobao's condition is not good recently, and hoped that I could accompany him and take him out to relax, so I came here overnight!!!"

Hearing what Ning Xi said, the two elders looked at their eldest son with dissatisfaction, and then looked at Ning Xi with a much more relaxed expression.

Especially Lu Chongshan, at first he thought it was this woman who relied on the eldest son's favor to be bold and deliberately against him, and when he learned that everything was up to the eldest son's own initiative, and she didn't know that they strictly forbid her to see Xiaobao, the words in his heart The anger of authority being violated naturally subsided a lot.

Mrs. Lu showed such an expression as expected, and then asked the question she was most concerned about: "Where did Miss Ning take Xiaobao to relax? How did she relax?"

To be able to make the little baby who was depressed the day before smile so happily in an instant, and to take the initiative to get close to them like never before...

If you know the secret, wouldn't you be able to get kisses from your precious grandson every day?

Lu Chongshan immediately put down his chopsticks, with a devout expression as if he wanted to take out his notebook and write it down.

Seeing his parents' reaction, Lu Jingli suppressed a smile the whole time.

I thought it would be useless even if you knew, the key point is not where people take Xiaobao to relax, how to relax, okay? It was "Ning Xi"!

Facing the earnest eyes of the elders, Ning Xi couldn't possibly say that she took Xiaobao for a racing car, which would definitely kill her, so she coughed lightly and replied, "Actually, I didn't go anywhere. , just drove Xiaobao around the capital."

She's not lying...

It was indeed a drive, but she was not driving an ordinary car, but a professional racing motorcycle known as "Midnight Fury".

After the second elder heard this bland answer, he was obviously a little disappointed.

Just going for a drive, can Xiao Bao, who doesn't like being close to others since birth, take the initiative to kiss their grandparents?


[Sorry for the delay today because of something, the update is a bit late, next time if you find that I haven't updated for a long time, be sure to go to the comment area below the article or my Sina Weibo (ID: 囧囧youyao's bib) to see the latest update notification. 】

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