Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 298 Resist the Temptation

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

However, these seem to be extremely simple things, but after thinking about it, just getting Xiaobao to leave the house obediently, and playing with her, he was so happy to play all night...

Except for Ning Xi, no one else could do it.

Including the psychiatrist Qin Mufeng who has studied Xiaobao's condition for so many years, what he can do is very limited at present.

Before, they thought that Xiaobao's return to simple text communication was the ultimate, but today's two kisses gave them a deep shock and surprise.

It turns out that Xiaobao still has hope to continue to recover, and even one day he will become like an ordinary child, laughing heartily, being close to his family and acting like a baby.

Maybe even speak...

And the key to all this lies in this woman who they think may hurt Xiaobao.

Therefore, the attitude of the two elders has changed from firm opposition at the beginning to a dilemma now.

Lu Chongshan looked lovingly at the grandson next to him, Xiaobao just smiled and kissed his little appearance, he would not hesitate to exchange anything for him.

Mrs. Lu had been asking all the time just now. At this moment, Lu Chongshan finally couldn't help but speak in person, "As far as I know, Miss Ning is currently an actress?"

Ning Xi nodded: "Yes."

At this point in the topic, Ning Xi became indifferent. The Lu family's influence was indeed terrifying, but she had no intention of planning anything about the Lu family, let alone becoming his daughter-in-law, so there was no need to fear him here.

"I don't know how much Miss Ning's income is now." Lu Chongshan asked again.

Hearing this question, Ning Xi was a little puzzled.

What did the old man mean by asking her this question?

However, Lu Jingli and Lu Tingxiao who were beside Ning Xi knew exactly what their father was thinking, and immediately realized what the old man was planning.

Although Ning Xi couldn't figure out Lu Chongshan's intentions, she still replied truthfully, "Now my career has just started, and my income is not high. The one I got was 50,000."

Lu Chongshan nodded, and then asked, "Then, I wonder if Miss Ning is interested in changing careers?"

"Change career?" Ning Xi frowned.

"That's right, I hope to invite Miss Ning to come to Lu's house to be Xiaobao's private tutor. As for the price, I will definitely satisfy you. I can guarantee that the artist with the highest income in the entertainment industry will not have the income of your career High." When Lu Chongshan said this, his face was full of confidence.

Because he was confident that no one would be foolish enough to refuse such a condition.

Why did she enter the entertainment industry? Isn't it because the entertainment industry makes money quickly?

Then he will let her ascend to the sky in one step!

He didn't believe that she could resist such a temptation!

Hearing Lu Chongshan's words, Ning Xi twitched the corners of her mouth, and there was an imperceptible hint of contempt and disdain in her eyes.

Because the other party was the father of Lu Tingxiao and Lu Jingli, and Xiaobao's grandfather, she didn't say anything too harsh, but replied as gently as possible, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, everyone has his own ambition."

She didn't want to say anything else, because the level and class of the two parties were too different, even if she told him more, he wouldn't understand.

Ning Xi's answer was obviously completely unexpected.

Lu Chongshan's face was immediately displeased, and he said in a deep voice: "Miss Ning dislikes that Lu's offer is not high enough?"

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