Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 299 God-level Fire Extinguisher

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi: "Old Mr. Lu, that's not what I mean. If your intention is that I can accompany Xiaobao more, in fact, I can come and accompany him often as a friend."

"So, are you rejecting me?" Lu Chongshan's face darkened instantly.

I don't know if it's because Lu Tingxiao was by her side, but under such terrifying pressure from Mr. Lu, Ning Xi still insisted on saying that sentence: "Yes."

"You're presumptuous!" After all, Lu Chongshan had been in a position of superiority for a long time, and he was used to everyone obeying him, so he couldn't tolerate a small artist disobeying him, so he exploded immediately.

Lu Tingxiao didn't say anything, but calmly put his arm on the back of the chair behind Ning Xi, but he had already fully demonstrated his protector's posture.

And the moment Lu Tingxiao's breath approached, Ning Xi's back that had been tense due to tension suddenly relaxed a lot.

In the deadlocked atmosphere, in the corner, the little prince Lu Jingli finally couldn't take it anymore, "I said Dad, where's your logic? Xiao Xixi, as long as she says YES-I-DO to my brother, the whole Lu family is hers!" Yes, she doesn't even want to be my sister-in-law, would she care about your little money?"

Lu Chongshan was so angry that he almost vomited blood, he slapped the table hard, "Brat, do you insist on forcing me to use family law!"

"Really, every time you say you can't do it, you have to move..." Lu Jingli muttered weakly.

Seeing that the two sons were turning their elbows outward, Lu Chongshan was really furious. Seeing that a new round of anger was about to erupt, the next second, he suddenly felt something soft pat on his back.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that the little baby was patting his back gently with his small hands, as if to comfort him not to be angry, lest the anger spoil his body.

Once this god-level fire extinguisher comes out, what fire can't be extinguished?

Lu Chongshan immediately felt better, it was more effective than taking a panacea, and his voice was extremely soft and kind, "Good boy, do you feel sorry for Grandpa?"

Lu Jingli felt extremely sad when he saw his own father's incomparably gentle attitude towards his grandson, "I'm going, why have I never seen you treat me tenderly once? You treat me so differently! Why do I have the lowest status in the whole family? What am I? Not your own son!"

Lu Chongshan snorted, and said in a bad mood, "When you get married someday, give me another granddaughter and grandson, and then talk about status with me!"

Lu Jingli said with a hesitant face, "Bye~ I'll continue to stay at the bottom!"

The price of this status promotion is too great.

At this time, a sudden ringtone of the mobile phone rang.

Ning Xi hurriedly took out her phone from her bag, and saw that it was Xiaotao calling.

At this moment, she accidentally glanced at the time on her phone, only to realize that she was already half an hour late.

Ning Xi lowered her voice and answered the phone, "Hello, Xiaotao..."

"Hey, sister Xi, why haven't you arrived yet? The filming has already started, and the director is urging you! I went to your room to look for you, but no one opened the door! Where did you go?"

"Uh, I was delayed due to urgent matters. I'm still in the eastern suburbs. It will take an hour to arrive at the fastest. Please apologize to the director and explain!"

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xi could only stand up and say goodbye: "Thank you both for your hospitality. I have to start work today, so I'll take my leave first."

After saying this, Ning Xi looked at Xiao Baozi opposite him with a full face of reluctance.

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