Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 411 Kiss in Sleep

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

On the soft big bed, the girl was sleeping sweetly, her cheeks were flushed, and her black hair covered the pure white pillow behind her...

Lu Tingxiao's mood involuntarily became extremely peaceful. He gently sat down on the edge of the bed, feeling the urge to do nothing but just keep looking at her...

Um, do nothing?

This situation...

It seems a little unlikely...

It's been a long, long time since she left the Platinum Emperor Palace... It's been a long time since I looked at her so closely...

I haven't been close to her for a long time...

Even though he knew he shouldn't, such a temptation was beyond his reason, and his self-control didn't work at all.

Lu Tingxiao picked up a strand of the girl's hair, kissed it lightly, and then slowly covered the girl's soft cherry-colored lips...

Originally, he just wanted to leave her with one touch, but this was obviously an extravagant wish. After touching her, the soft and sweet touch made him sigh, and he couldn't help but slowly caress, toss and turn, and then gently press her chin with his fingers, Greed penetrates deeper, absorbs more sweetness...

"Hmm..." The girl couldn't breathe well and moaned uncomfortably.

Lu Tingxiao's back stiffened. He should have left, but his body didn't obey him at all. Because of her slight resistance, he became more excited. He put his lips in his mouth and kissed her more deeply...


Hearing her murmuring his name, Lu Tingxiao became even more excited. He pinched her waist and almost rubbed her into his body...

Because of the pain on her lips, Ning Xi frowned, and waved her hand unhappily, "Lu Baicai..."

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

Hearing those three words, Lu Tingxiao was stunned. After he realized it, he buried his head in the crook of her warm neck, and let out a low laugh from his chest, even his charming thoughts were interrupted by her.

Lu cabbage?

this title...

Well, it seems to be fine.

very special.

It's hers.

Seeing that night was beginning to fall, Lu Tingxiao finally reluctantly called out the girl's name, "Ning Xi...wake up..."

Ning Xi opened her eyes in a daze, and as soon as she woke up, she saw the perfect face of the man above her head and the gentle eyes of the stars.

"Hmm..." Was she dreaming?

wrong! She is in the lounge of the Great Demon King's office!

Ning Xi hurriedly got up, "Master Boss! Have I been asleep for a long time? What time is it?"

"Soon, two hours, exactly."

"I'm going! Am I a pig! I actually slept for a full two hours!" Ning Xi hurriedly got out of bed and made up the quilt.

"Don't worry, someone will clean up later."


"Let's go, it's late, it's time to eat."

After Ning Xi woke up, she immediately asked about the business, "By the way, boss, have you finished the script? How is it? Can I shoot it?"

In fact, she was very worried, worried that the subject matter of the book might not be accepted by Lu Tingxiao's strict and rigid personality...

"I read half of it." Lu Tingxiao replied.

"Looked halfway?" The speed at which the big devil looked at things... Doesn't seem too fast? Unscientific! Probably because they are more cautious and look more carefully!

Hey, sad reminder, do you have to wait another day? So anxious! ! !

Ning Xi was so impatient that she couldn't wait for even a minute, let alone a whole day, so she said with a bitter face, "Then what should I do? I'll wait for you to finish reading, and I'll come see you tomorrow?"

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