Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 412 Follow me home

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Tingxiao picked up his coat from the hanger and said while putting on his clothes, "I'm afraid not. I'm going on a business trip abroad early tomorrow morning."

"What!" Ning Xi was shocked.

It was another bolt from the blue! Why is the Great Demon King leaving?

Lu Tingxiao thought for a while, and then said, "So, now I have two options."

"Which two plans?" Ning Xi asked hastily.

Lu Tingxiao: "Plan 1, wait for me to come back from a business trip in a week!"

"One week!" Although it's not long, it's not short either! "What about the second plan?"

Lu Tingxiao glanced at her, "Option 2, come home with me."

"Huh?" Ning Xi was stunned, "What...what do you mean?"

"It means that you can have dinner with me tonight. After dinner, I'll start to read the remaining half. After reading it, I'll discuss with you. It should be resolved within today." Lu Tingxiao explained.

Ning Xi blinked her eyes and said without hesitation, "I choose two!"

Is there still a choice, I must choose the second! But, after the selection, why did she feel like she fell into the pit again...

A smile lit up in Lu Tingxiao's eyes, "Well, let's go."

Ning Xi graciously walked ahead and helped Lu Tingxiao open the office door.

As a result, the next second, he froze as soon as he opened the door...

Originally, at this time, everyone should be off work, but what she saw was full of employees, none of whom were off work, and they were all bent over their desks, looking serious about their work, except for those who secretly glanced at them from time to time. eyes...

Ning Xi couldn't help sighing, "Master Boss, your employees...are so hardworking!"

Lu Tingxiao glanced at his employees, and then at Cheng Feng who had been waiting outside the office for an unknown amount of time.

Cheng Feng shouldered everyone's hope, so no matter how afraid he was, he could only walk forward tremblingly. Of course, he couldn't say that everyone was too scared to leave, so he could only laugh and say, "To thank the company for cultivating , everyone is actively working overtime today..."

Lu Tingxiao said with a cold face, "I've always advocated efficient work instead of blindly working overtime."

Cheng Feng thought, it's over.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Tingxiao added, "However, the spirit is commendable. Everyone's monthly salary will be increased by 30% as a bonus."

Lu Tingxiao naturally knew what they were thinking, but he did lose his composure today, probably because he frightened them.

Think of it as...spiritual damage fee...

Moreover, my wife just praised them for their hard work!

Obviously, that's the point.

Hearing Lu Tingxiao's words, everyone couldn't believe their ears.

Are they hallucinating?

I was worried all afternoon and thought the company was going to close down!

As a result... the boss actually gave out a bonus! ! !

This happiness came so suddenly!

However, it's too late to shock the bonus, and even more shocking things are yet to come...

"Let's go." Lu Tingxiao turned to Ning Xi and asked the girl next to him softly as he walked straight through the staff area, "What do you want to eat tonight? I saw in your circle of friends that you want to lose weight. I'll ask the kitchen to prepare it." Some low-fat food?"

"Yeah, okay! In fact, I can do it! Don't worry about me too much! At worst, I'll eat less!"

"You can lose weight, but you must also pay attention to your body. What do you think of the nutritionist recommended by Qin Mufeng last time? If possible, I will ask her to prepare a reasonable diet plan for you!"

"Ah? Will it be too much trouble for others?"

"No, I'll give you a call tonight."


Behind, the whole company, all employees: "..."

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