Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 413 This unexpected dog food!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Damn! ! ! ! ! ! !

what did they see

What did they hear?

This unexpected dog food!

This sudden show of affection!

In an instant, everyone turned to Cheng Feng again, and the state was almost crazy...

"We! We! Hurry! Want! Yes! Boss! Boss! Mother! Got it!?"

"Damn it! Assistant Cheng, you're too disrespectful! You've kept such a big deal a secret! You can't get through it at all!"

"It made us all freak out!"

"Just now the boss suddenly gave us a bonus because the lady boss praised us for our hard work, right? The boss never likes us working overtime!"

"Definitely is!"


Cheng Feng rolled his eyes, he was about to pee out of fright, okay?

Fortunately, the two of them are fine. Seeing that the boss is giving out bonuses and talking softly, it must be that the crisis is over and the weather is over.

In a sense, Miss Ning Xi is the one who decides their life and death!

After calming down a bit, a female employee muttered unhappily, "Don't get excited here, who knows if it's the boss's wife!"

Many female employees in the company secretly admired Lu Tingxiao. They thought that the BOSS belonged to everyone. Now that they suddenly had the boss, they naturally felt uncomfortable. They all agreed, "Maybe it's just for fun!"

A male employee retorted with a look like you were too stupid, "From my point of view as a man, the boss is absolutely serious this time! If the boss is really the kind of person who wants to play around, after so many years, he Will there be no women? Have you ever seen the boss lose his composure? Have you ever seen the boss be so gentle? Have you ever seen the boss complete the subject, verb and object when talking to someone?"

"It's more than that! Since I joined the company, I haven't heard the boss talk so much. I almost thought that our boss has a language barrier! As a result, there is no obstacle when coaxing girls..."

"What is this? We all thought the boss liked men, okay?"


Those female employees who were not reconciled all showed aggrieved expressions, but they could not refute.

Unable to refute, it is inevitable to start to find the place from other places, "Who the hell is that woman? She is still wearing a mask! Is she so tall that she can't see people?"

"Even if you wear a mask, you can tell that she is a great beauty. You women who covet the boss, you better stop thinking about it!"

"Bastard, who do you think covets the boss! We just can't bear the vixen hooking up with our boss!"

"Could it be that Su Yimo? Actually, Su Yimo's image is pretty good! She's a goddess! She's a perfect match for our boss..."

"Blind your dog's eyes! Su Yimo's fake woman is a good match for our boss?"

"Stop arguing, stop arguing! You women, just admit it, no matter which woman it is, you won't be satisfied..."


Platinum Palace.

After getting out of the car, Ning Xi looked at the villa in front of her in a daze.

To be honest, when she left, she never thought that she would come back here one day.

Seeing her in a daze, Lu Tingxiao said, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Ning Xi shook her head and followed into the house.

Halfway there, the phone rang, it was Jiang Muye's call.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Why not, just remind you, don't be late at night! If you let me wait for you again, I will really lose my face!" Jiang Muye threatened on the other end of the phone.

Ning Xi looked confused, "Tonight...Why don't you be late at night?"

"Ning Xiaoxi! Are you courting death?"

"Oh, I remembered. I'm going to record the live broadcast of the game tonight, right? I got it! I was joking with you just now, I never forgot! I will never be late! Hang up!" Ning Xi hung up quickly On the phone, there was inevitably a guilty expression on his face.

In fact, under the beauty of the BOSS-sama, she had long forgotten about this matter!

Ning Xi looked at Lu Tingxiao with a bitter face, "Master Boss, didn't I endorse a game? In order to cooperate with the promotion of the game, I want to hold a game live broadcast tonight... What should I do..."

"You can use my computer."

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