Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 414 My Lucky Day

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi was stunned for a moment, "Use your computer?"

Lu Tingxiao rubbed her hair lightly, "Don't worry, the configuration of my computer is high enough, and the internet speed at home is also fast, so there won't be any problems."

"Oh oh oh!" Seeing the big devil's reliable expression and tone, Ning Xi blinked her starry eyes and nodded repeatedly.

The big devil's computer must have a high configuration. As for the speed of the Internet, she has experienced it personally.

When I lived here before, what I loved the most was the speed of the Internet here. It is extremely fast. It is very refreshing to browse the web, watch videos and play games.

"I'll take you up there, you can try it out first."

"All right!"

The two entered the room while talking. Not far away, Steward Yuan was surprised when he saw the two came back together. He lowered his eyes and said respectfully, "The young master is back!"


"Hi, Miss Xiao Xi, are you here a guest?" Then, the old butler looked at Ning Xi and asked tentatively, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

"Grandpa housekeeper! I'm here to do something!" Ning Xi replied.

"So..." The old housekeeper was obviously a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, being able to get along with each other calmly is considered a good development, and looking at the young master is also in a good mood.

The last time it was so loud, it really scared him a lot.

At this moment, Wanwan ran over excitedly, "Miss Xiao Xi! You're back!"

The unintentional "You're back" made Ning Xi's originally calm mood become full of emotions. Hey, none of the devil's subordinates are easy-going!

Ning Xi chuckled, "Wanwan, do you miss me?"

"Thinking..." Wanwan murmured with a blushing face, only then did he realize that Lu Tingxiao was there, and hurriedly bent down to say hello, "Eldest young master, you are back!"

The little girl couldn't hide the expression on her face. With this performance, it was obvious that Ning Xi was much more popular than him...

Fortunately, Lu Tingxiao was used to it and was optimistic that it would work, as long as he didn't take too much of his wife's attention.

After Lu Tingxiao and Ning Xi entered the room, they looked at the old housekeeper excitedly, "Uncle Yuan, why did Miss Xiao Xi come here suddenly? Are she and the young master..."

Butler Yuan shook his head, "Don't guess, Miss Xiao Xi is just looking for something to do with the Eldest Young Master, but I think the atmosphere between the two is pretty good."

There is another sentence that he didn't say, and he didn't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that the way Miss Xiao Xi looked at the young master was actually very unusual...

After greeting Wan Wan and the others, Ning Xi followed Lu Tingxiao directly into the upstairs study.

Lu Tingxiao pressed the power button, helped Ning Xi pull out the chair, motioned her to sit down, and then directly entered the power-on password in front of her.

Ning Xi didn't have time to evade, so she saw Lu Tingxiao's password, and subconsciously murmured out of curiosity, "l...u...c...k...y...712?"

Lucky is lucky, what does 712 mean? It seemed that it was neither Lu Tingxiao's birthday, nor Xiaobao's birthday, and of course, it wasn't her birthday either.

Lu Tingxiao put one arm on the chair behind her, and put one arm around her to operate the mouse. Hearing her murmur, he said casually, "The number on the password is my lucky day. Our first The day we met."

"Uh...cough cough cough..." After a moment of sluggishness, Ning Xi coughed violently in shock.

If you think about it carefully, it really is! I didn't react at all just now!

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