Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 415 What should I do if I can't help but throw myself down

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Tingxiao opened the browser as usual, as if he had just said a very ordinary sentence, "Download the game."

"Oh... right now..." Ning Xi hurried to grab the mouse.

In the end, before Lu Tingxiao could take his hand away, she accidentally grabbed Lu Tingxiao's hand, and quickly let go, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Zheng Zhi got up to apologize, but in the end he threw his head into Lu Tingxiao's arms again...

Ning Xi: "..."

Lu Tingxiao rubbed the back of her head, seemed to see her embarrassment, and said softly, "I won't bother you anymore, I'll go to the kitchen downstairs and call me if you have any questions."

Ning Xi nodded hastily, "Okay, okay!"

Seeing the big devil take the door and leave, Ning Xi finally heaved a sigh of relief, covered her face and lay down on the desk...

Lu Tingxiao...

If you do this again, if you do this again...

I can't help but throw you down, you know?

Ning Xi managed to recover, opened the game web page, and started downloading the game client.

The internet speed here is still as strong as ever, and the game is ready to download in less than ten minutes.

Enter the account password, log in to the game, and glance at his friends, Jiang Muye is already online.

Almost as soon as she entered the game, Jiang Muye initiated a voice invitation.

Ning Xi clicked on the connection, "Are you on so early?"

Jiang Muye on the other end of the voice snorted, "You think I'm like you!"

After finishing speaking, he asked suspiciously, "Why are you so active today?"

"You're going to blame me for being active? Form a team! Play two rounds first to warm up!"

"OK! Right now!" Jiang Muye regained his energy as soon as he heard that he started playing games, and forgot everything in his mind.

It's just that the two of them had a tragedy when they just started fighting...

Jiang Muye roared at the top of the voice, "Ning Xi! Come on! Why are you in a daze! I'll do it! I'll do it! Don't do it, there's an ambush... Fuck! You're dead! Ning Xiaoxi! Did you do it today? Forgot to take medicine!"

"Fuck off! You just forgot to take your medicine! You're so slow in reacting, won't you remind me earlier? You're a swordsman, you can't protect your nanny and you still have reason to yell at me!" Although Ning Xi felt guilty, she was absolutely right.

Jiang Muye was furious, "I'm are too good at turning black and white! Ning Xiaoxi, feel your own conscience, are you out of shape today?"

Hearing Jiang Muye's exposure, Ning Xi choked, "I..."

The big demon king has made a lot of big moves today. She has already performed supernormally at this level, okay?

Ning Xi gritted her teeth, "Stop talking nonsense! Come again!"

At the beginning of the second game, I still died miserably...

The death was so miserable that Ning Xi was also angry, and started to confront Jiang Muye, "Jiang Muye, you were bitten by a dog! Going so far, you are looking for death! I am the reincarnation of Hua Tuo, and I can't save you! If you change back, I don't want to be a nanny anymore, I want to be a swordsman!"

"Asshole, this is the request of the game company, and I'm not happy! Besides, it's not a question of what to play at all. Although you are better at attacking, you don't want to play nanny like this! Be honest, what are you doing? The situation?" The more Jiang Muye thought about it, the more something went wrong.

"Jiang Jinmao, why don't you make excuses for me! It's you who pick your feet and blame me..." How could Ning Xi admit that she was teased out of her wits, and resolutely pinned the pot of shit on Jiang Muye's head.

Jiang Muye on the other end was almost vomiting blood from her anger...

Ning Xi was scolding Jiang Muye so badly, when she looked up, she saw Lu Tingxiao leaning against the door frame and looking at her. She didn't know when he came here.

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