Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 416 The appearance of scolding is very cute

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi was embarrassed and turned off the headset hastily, "Ahem, cough, when did you come?"

Could it be that she saw all the way she scolded people just now? Do evil!

"Actually, when I usually play games, I'm not so irritable, and I don't swear at others. The main reason is that Jiang Muye played too badly today..." Ning Xi continued to push the blame.

The corner of Lu Tingxiao's mouth curled up slightly: "It's very cute."

When Lu Tingxiao came up with these three words suddenly, Ning Xi was a little confused, "Ah? What's so cute?"

Lu Tingxiao: "You look like you're swearing."

Ning Xi: "..."

Great Demon King, do you still have humanity? I've already been seriously injured, and you still don't let me go...

"Dinner is ready, let's go eat first?" Lu Tingxiao asked.

"Well, eat and eat!" She wants to eat cabbage! ! !


went downstairs.

Ning Xi saw three vegetables, one meat, and a soup on the table. They were home-cooked dishes. They looked refreshing and appetizing. Moreover, there was actually a plate of Chinese cabbage.

Did the Great Demon King do it on purpose?

"Are these enough?" Lu Tingxiao asked worriedly.

"Enough is enough, it's definitely enough!" Ning Xi quickly picked up a few dishes to avoid danger if she opened her mouth, and began to dig into the rice.

"Eat slowly." Lu Tingxiao looked at her, with an imperceptible tension in his eyes.

Ning Xi didn't notice either, and continued to eat, but as she ate, she realized something was wrong...

"Hmm... Lu Tingxiao..."

"What's wrong?" Lu Tingxiao immediately put down his chopsticks and asked.

Ning Xi took a bite of the eggplant and thought about her words, "Is the chef in your family not in a good mood today?"

Lu Tingxiao thought for a while, and answered with certainty, "No, he's in a good mood today."

Ning Xi blinked, "Then his culinary skills today...why is it a little out of order?"

Lu Tingxiao's back immediately stiffened when he heard the words, but his face was still expressionless and calm, "What do you say?"

Ning Xi pointed to a plate of braised eggplants, "This eggplant obviously has too much salt..."

Then I picked up another chopsticks of wax gourd meat slices, "This dish is overcooked, the meat slices are all burnt, the scrambled eggs with tomatoes are all tomatoes, and the eggs are almost invisible... Most importantly, it seems that the soup has forgotten to put salt ..."

After speaking, he raised his head and glanced at Lu Tingxiao. He was about to continue complaining, but found that his expression was very strange.

Ning Xi's heart skipped a beat, and a thought flashed through her mind, showing an incredulous expression.

After a while, she swallowed and asked weakly, "Uh, Lu Tingxiao...these cook them?"

Lu Tingxiao's expression was serious, as if he didn't want to admit it, but he didn't want to lie. After a while, he nodded stiffly, "Yes."

"Pfft..." Ning Xi was shocked, "You really did it!"

It's over, it's over, it's over! Why didn't you say it earlier!

She just criticized all the dishes made by the big devil himself as useless!

Ning Xi stroked her forehead and hurriedly made amends, "Oh, I thought it was made by your chef. Looking at the chef's level, naturally the requirements are relatively high. I didn't expect it to be done by you, Mr. Boss, uh, Let me ask you a question, isn't this your... first time cooking, right?"

"No, I've practiced a few times before." Lu Tingxiao's face was still ugly. As a perfectionist, he failed for the first time and was obviously really hit.

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