Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 421 Special Mission

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

next morning.

The entrance of Platinum Imperial Palace residence.

Cheng Feng and four bodyguards stood in front of a black Maybach.

One of the tallest bodyguards, who looked relatively simple and honest, couldn't help asking Cheng Feng, "Assistant Cheng, why did the boss go to country X this time, and it was a chaotic place like Philadelphia for inspection? Can't you send someone else there?" Huh? Is that processing plant really that important?"

Thinking of the purpose this time, Cheng Feng's eyes flashed brightly, and then he glanced at the big man, "If you don't have enough brains, don't think about it all day long. Can you guess what the boss is thinking? Just obey the order." .”

The big man scratched his head, feeling that what Cheng Feng said made sense, "Oh, I see, thank you Assistant Cheng!"

While the two were talking, a thin bodyguard in front of the car suddenly cursed, and walked up to Cheng Feng as if he couldn't bear it anymore, "No! I can't take it anymore! I'm going to the boss to ask him to take back the order!"

Cheng Feng frowned and looked at the young man who spoke, "What order?"

The young man who spoke was called Shi Xiao. He was the best among the bodyguards and had the highest status. It could be said that he was one of Lu Tingxiao's most trusted people.

If it was an order for him, then it must be the most important thing.

Shi Xiao always obeyed Lu Tingxiao's words, what kind of order this time made him want to directly disobey orders?

Shi Xiao lit a cigarette and looked worried, "Last night, I suddenly received a call from the boss. I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out that I was asked to go to a film crew to be in charge of a woman's safety after a while! What the fuck? , I, who escaped death, have been doing special training for more than ten years, is it to protect a stinky woman?"

"Shi Xiao! Shut up, you don't want to live anymore?" Cheng Feng nervously looked in the direction of the door, "If the boss hears it, you will die!"

Shi Xiao had an indignant expression, "I really don't understand, what's so special about that woman besides being pretty, she's so fascinated by the boss!"

Cheng Feng knew that these people were wielding knives and guns all day long, and their brains were rather sluggish, so he could only patiently say, "Shi Xiao, listen to my advice, don't say these words again, and obey orders obediently!"

Shi Xiao waved his hands impatiently with a humiliated expression, "Other orders are fine, but I can't do this! I don't care! Anyway, I definitely don't want to protect an actor who can only flirt!"

As soon as the words were finished, Lu Tingxiao, who was dressed in a black suit and looked calm, slowly walked out of the house.

Shi Xiao immediately rushed forward, "Boss, I have something to ask for your instructions!"

It was too late for Cheng Feng to stop him, so he could only help his forehead, wishing him good luck.

Lu Tingxiao glanced at his subordinates with a cold expression, "Say."

At that moment, Lu Tingxiao's icy eyes made Shi Xiao retreat a little, but the humiliation in his heart still made him say, "I can't obey your order last night!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone was sweating for Shi Xiao.

Just when they thought the boss would get mad, unexpectedly, Lu Tingxiao didn't say anything, but turned his gaze to the big man behind Shi Xiao, and said, "Xiong Zhi, you replace Shi Xiao."

Xiong Zhi was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, and obeyed, "Yes, boss!"

Seeing that the matter was settled, Cheng Feng hurried over to help Lu Tingxiao open the car door.

After Lu Tingxiao got into the car, Cheng Feng patted the big bodyguard's shoulder, and couldn't help feeling, "Hey, it really is a fool's luck!"

That kid Shi Xiao, if one day he knows that the boss has entrusted him with such an important task of protecting the boss lady, but he has turned it down by himself, I don't know if he will feel so regretful that he vomits blood...

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