Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 422 Ning Xi's Horoscope

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Fahua Temple.

After chatting with Lu Chongshan that day, Yan Ruyi took some time off and rushed to the temple early in the morning.

The incense in the temple is very strong, and the outside is crowded with people early in the morning.

Yan Ruyi put on a stick of incense, and then stood waiting in the side hall. Soon, a little novice came over, put his hands together and said "Amitabha", "Benefactor Yan is here!"

Yan Ruyi saluted back, and then asked nervously, "Little master, I wonder what Master Xuanjing said?"

"The abbot has been waiting in the inner hall for a long time, the benefactor Yan will follow me." The little novice said.

"Ah! Master Xuanjing agreed! That's great! Thank you, thank you!" Yan Ruyi happily followed the little novice towards the meditation room in the backyard with a stack of famous ladies' horoscopes.

The courtyard is paved with bluestone paths, and at the end is a red maple leaf forest. In the lotus pond in front of the house, several egrets are grooming their feathers. Looking at the quiet courtyard in front of them, people can't help calming down.

Arriving at the door of Xuanjing's meditation room, the little novice stood still with a solemn expression, "Abbot, Master Yan has arrived."

After a while, an old monk leaning on a Zen stick came out from the house. The old monk was dressed in a gray cassock, and his temperament was dusty, like a person outside the world.

"Benefactor Yan, this old monk has lost his way and welcomes you!"

"Master, you are serious. This time I really trouble you. You actually take up the time of serving the Bodhisattva because of such a trivial matter!" Seeing the demeanor of the old monk, Yan Ruyi immediately trusted him, thinking that she was looking for Master Xuanjing.

She had seen that Long Fanyin once before, and thought it was very imposing at the time, but now after seeing Master Xuanjing, she realized that Long Fanyin was too deliberately impetuous.

"Benefactor Yan is serious. This old monk is nothing more than lifting a finger. You and Master Lu offer incense every year, repair the golden body of Bodhisattva, and help the poor and weak. It is a great kindness!"

"Master Miao Zan, these are all as they should be!"


After exchanging a few pleasantries, let's get down to business.

Yan Ruyi took out a stack of horoscopes from her bag, put them on the low table, and took out a separate sheet of Lu Tingxiao's horoscope, "Master, they are all here, please take a look, master!"

Xuan Jing nodded, picked up the horoscope and began to read.

Yan Ruyi didn't dare to disturb her, she quietly stood aside and waited.

Every time Xuan Jing reads a picture, she annotates a few words on the back, and after a while, she finally reads all the characters.

Seeing that Xuanjing's expression remained unchanged from the beginning to the end, Yan Ruyi was a little anxious, and asked, "Master, among these girls, are there any girls who have a particularly good horoscope, or are they especially compatible with my Tingxiao horoscope?"

Master Xuanjing shook his head, "Not at all."

This means that so many girls are all average, although there is no one who is particularly incompatible, but there is no one who fits?

Yan Ruyi was inevitably a little disappointed when she heard the words, and looked carefully at the master's approval unwillingly. As expected, they were all about the same, and there was not even a single one that stood out a little bit.

Yan Ruyi read it over and over several times, finally put away those horoscopes, and nodded absently, "Master, please!"

"Benefactor Yan, you're welcome."

"Then master, I won't bother you any more, and I'm leaving!"

Yan Ruyi was about to leave when her footsteps stopped suddenly. She suddenly remembered that there was another person in her bag...

It was the girl named Ning Xi...

She didn't know what she was thinking, but before she left, someone got the girl's horoscope.

Now, do you want to let the master take a look?

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