Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 423 This destiny...

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

However, if Lu Chongshan found out that she used this girl's horoscope to test, he would definitely be furious again...

Yan Ruyi was very conflicted, she took out the horoscope and glanced at it, she didn't know what decision to make for a moment.

Seeing that her expression was not right, Xuan Jing asked, "Is Benefactor Yan still doing something?"

Yan Ruyi came back to her senses, and hurriedly put the horoscope back again. In the end, she was still worried that Lu Chongshan would get angry, and felt that it was really unnecessary to test that girl, so she hurriedly said, "No more, no more! Master, are you busy?" Bar!"

Turn around and leave after speaking.

However, because the action was too hasty, a piece of brown paper fluttered from her bag and fell to the ground...

Yan Ruyi didn't notice it yet, she walked forward on her own, when Xuan Jing saw her behind her, she bent down to pick it up, "Benefactor Yan, please stay, you have something left... eh..."

Just as he was talking, Xuan Jing stared at the horoscope on the paper, with a trace of surprise on his face, "This destiny..."

When Yan Ruyi heard the master's voice behind her, she hurriedly turned around, only to see that the master was holding Ning Xi's horoscope in his hand, and his expression, which had never changed since just now, had obviously changed.

When Yan Ruyi saw it, her heart skipped a beat, "Master, how about this horoscope?"

Unlike when he was confident when he read the other horoscopes just now, Xuan Jing looked at Ning Xi's horoscope for a long time, and then pondered, "Benefactor Yan, can you read your son's horoscope for me again."

"Of course!" Yan Ruyi said, hurriedly took out Lu Ting's horoscope, handed both hands to Xuan Jing, and felt even more anxious at the same time.

Xuan Jing took the horoscopes of the two of them, laid them flat on the low table, and then carefully considered them.

Yan Ruyi tremblingly stood aside and waited, burning with anxiety.

The master's face is so solemn, is it because this woman is very strong against Tingxiao, is it a catastrophe for Tingxiao?

After waiting for a long time, Xuan Jing finally spoke in a deep voice, "This son's fate is Guchen, Jiesha, and his fate will lead to robbery. He will inevitably punish his husband, and if he does not leave, he will be widowed. If he marries another country, he is doomed to be lonely for the rest of his life..."

Yan Ruyi was shocked when she heard the words, "This...isn't this the lone star of the devil! Oh my god! Kezi Xingfu...Tingxiao...Xiaobao..."

Yan Ruyi was immersed in great panic, Xuan Jing suddenly asked, "I wonder if Benefactor Yan can remember the results of my test with your son many years ago."

"I remember, of course I remember!" Yan Ruyi was terrified when she heard the words. Back then, Tingxiao's horoscope was very dangerous.

Xuanjing opened the mouth and said, "Whoever has power needs to bring evil spirits, and power stars need to use evil spirits to support each other. The great good of the five elements has no power evil spirits, that is to say, the fate of the power star is lonely. The so-called universal law is rare in the world. Life is long, and ordinary people only need food and clothing, once the power is gathered, the honor of ten thousand people will inevitably punish the six relatives, and die alone. This is the reason!"

"But, master, after having Xiaobao five years ago, didn't you say that our Tingxiao's fate has been broken?" Yan Ruyi asked anxiously.

Xuan Jing nodded, "Since five years ago, there are indeed signs of resolution."

"Then... what does Tingxiao's horoscope have to do with this woman who is a lone star?"

A very mysterious expression appeared on Xuan Jing's face, "This son's fate is very coincidental. Like your son's fate, it also started five years ago and suddenly changed."

"Changed?" Yan Ruyi was so flustered that she couldn't help urging her, "Master, just tell me directly! What kind of fate is this woman! Can you beat my Tingxiao?"

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