Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 424 Unparalleled Luck

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Yan Ruyi had clearly prepared for the worst, and asked eagerly, "Master, do you have a way to resolve it? As long as it can resolve my son's disaster, you can ask me to do anything!"

Xuan Jing shook her head, and comforted, "Don't be too nervous, Master Yan, please listen to the old monk to explain to you in detail."

Worried that Yan Ruyi would not understand, Xuanjing tried to explain in an easy-to-understand tone, "From the perspective of the hexagrams, this child is indeed the fate of the lone star of Tiansha, but, benefactor Yan, if the person of the lone star of Tiansha If you are destined to be a noble person and live in a place of longevity, then you will be able to receive all the wealth and wealth. Or, learn Buddhism and practice Taoism, do good deeds and accumulate virtue, increase blessings, and through your own efforts and self-cultivation, you can also change your fate."

Yan Ruyi didn't dare to interrupt, even though she was anxious, she listened patiently and quietly.

Under Yan Ruyi's extremely nervous gaze, Xuan Jing finally made a conclusion, "If the old man is not mistaken, now, this son is fame and fortune, seeking wealth, auspiciousness, and a prosperous family. Good fortune is unparalleled, prosperous husband To prosper a family is to have many sons and many blessings.”

Listening to Master Xuanjing's series of words, Yan Ruyi was stunned and could hardly believe her ears, "Master, you... what did you just say?"

One second, he was still the lone star of Tiansha, but in the next second, he became blessed with unrivaled luck, prospered family, and many children and many blessings?

Xuan Jing stroked his gray beard, and sighed, "The most rare thing is that the timing of this son's fate change coincides with your son's too, I suspect there is some kind of connection here, but with my cultivation base, I can't say for sure at present. One thing that is certain is that if this son becomes attached to your son, there will be no harm at all."

Yan Ruyi finally came to her senses, and stammered, "This...that is to say, this girl's horoscope is not only incompatible with my son, but also very compatible?"

"That's true." Master Xuanjing nodded, and then he didn't forget to remind, "The way of heaven is impermanent, nothing is absolute, and the hexagrams can only be glimpsed one or two times, just like the sudden change of the sonor's hexagrams five years ago. Therefore, also Don't be overly concerned about benefactor Yan Yan, and don't believe it all, everything depends on each person's fortune."

"I see, thank you Master for your guidance!" Yan Ruyi put away the two horoscopes on the low table with a blank expression, and said goodbye to Xuan Jing and left.

Until she had left the temple, Yan Ruyi still couldn't believe it...

She had chosen so many ladies, all of whom were of good family and character, and none of them were suitable. In the end, it turned out that it was this Ning Xi who had such outstanding character...

Master Cai's words of criticism just now can be said to be good words!

Lu's old house.

Lu Chongshan was sitting on the sofa in the living room reading the newspaper, when he saw Yan Ruyi came back, he raised his eyes and asked, "What happened?"

Yan Ruyi's expression was a little tired, and she handed everyone's horoscopes to him except Ning Xi's, "The masters have all commented, you can see for yourself, it's roughly that although there is no mutual restraint, none of them match."

With an expected expression, Lu Chongshan held it and looked at it nonchalantly, "It's fine if you don't fight each other."

Seeing Lu Chongshan looking at the horoscopes of those famous ladies, Yan Ruyi hesitated to speak several times.

Do you want to tell him about Ning Xi's horoscope?

Although judging from the master's words, Ning Xi and Ting Xiao are a match made in heaven, but didn't the master also say that nothing is absolute?

With Lu Chongshan's temperament, if he knew that she had secretly tested Ning Xi's horoscope and scolded her without telling her, he probably wouldn't believe it.

Thinking of this, Yan Ruyi made a decision.

Forget it, she'd better observe for a while before it's too late...

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