Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

In the morning, the first thing Ning Xi did after waking up was to go to Shengshi Entertainment to report the good news to Lin Zhizhi, the script was finalized.

Coincidentally, Lin Zhizhi also had good news.

It's time to send money!

"Send money so quickly?" Ning Xi was a little surprised.

"Well, because the live broadcast between you and Jiang Muye was very effective last night, the game dealer was very satisfied and settled the bill in advance." Ling Zhizhi explained.

Ning Xi was overjoyed immediately, "That's great!" She decided not to beat up Jiang Muye.

"It should have been called, you can check your account later," Ling Zhizhi said.

"Okay!" Ning Xi was responding when she received a new text message, which happened to be the bank transfer information, "Sister Zhizhi, I received it!"

Ling Zhizhi smiled lightly, "Just receive it, you just don't have work today, go out and relax!"

Leng Manyun used to be too cold-tempered, especially after becoming famous, there was a negative feeling that she could not arouse any interest or enthusiasm for anything. Now, seeing Ning Xi's full of vitality, Ling Zhizhi's heart has been through so many years of vicissitudes in the entertainment industry. , It also jumped up again for a while.

Ning Xi nodded repeatedly, "Thank you sister Zhizhi, thank you company!"

After leaving the company, Ning Xi went back to the apartment first.

The first thing to do was to find two bank accounts, transfer 100,000 to one of the accounts, and transfer 50,000 to the other.

Soon, a call came.

Ning Xi happily picked it up, "Hey, Dean Tao~ How are you doing?"

A slightly older woman's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Okay, everything is fine here! Miss Ning, are you sending money to the yard again?"

Ning Xi nodded, "Yes, I've already paid my salary!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very anxious, "But this time is too much, one hundred thousand yuan! I know you love the children, but you have to live yourself!"

"Don't worry, Dean, I still have a lot here, I don't have to donate all of them! You can use it with peace of mind, it will be winter soon, buy some clothes and quilts for the children!"

"Hey, then I'll accept it. I thank you on behalf of the children! You must also take care of yourself, don't be too tired and work hard!"

"Understood, thank you Dean~"


After hanging up the phone, Ning Xi felt warm in her heart.

She started funding this orphanage five years ago, but it's a pity that she didn't have much left over in the past, and now she can finally do more.

She remitted the other 50,000 yuan to her adoptive parents. She hasn't returned it all these years, and she still owes her money in her heart. I didn't remit too much because I knew they wouldn't accept too much.

Calculated in this way, she still has half of her endorsement fee left, which is 150,000, which is enough for her to go out and spend a lot of money.

Her concept of financial management has always been to have fun in time, and she never keeps deposits. Generally, when she gets the money, she saves some money for meals, and the rest is quickly spent.

However, she accidentally glanced at the calendar and found that it would be grandpa's birthday soon...

Forget it, let's hold back for a while and go buy birthday presents first.

After all, the Ning family is a wealthy family. The old man will not be very close to his granddaughter like the grandfather of ordinary people, but he still cares about her very much.

Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu only blamed and disgusted her for her ignorance of etiquette and other humiliating behaviors. Only the old man would call her to correct them one by one in private. Although his attitude was severe, it was definitely for her own good.

Later, after she left home, the old man tried several times to persuade her to go back, but unfortunately, she couldn't fulfill the old man's wish after all...

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